So Here’s the Question:

February 28, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

We ate all the popcorn and drank all the lemonade during Michael Cohen’s testimony yesterday.  I have to confess that I slipped a little adult beverage in during the last couple of hours just to steady my nerves.  The news is describing the testimony as bombshells, but it just confirmed pretty much everything we knew anyway.

So, here’s my question:  Is any of this testimony a surprise?  I mean, really; Donald Trump is a slimy, two bit slum lord who was able to make enough name of himself from his reality television show that, for some unknown reason, people wanted to pay him money to put his name on their buildings.  That’s pretty stupid in itself, but on top of that, he was denied a gaming license in Australia because of his ties to the Mob.  We’ve known that for 30 years.  He’s a serial liar, even when it’s easier to tell the truth (see Barack Obama’s birth certificate).  He’s lied about everything from his personal taxes to his “foundation”, to other charitable contributions, to you name it.  He’s in bed with the Russians AND the Chinese, if that’s even possible, uses the State Department for his own personal gain and coverups.  He even gets military doctors to lie about his height & weight.  Jesus.

As I watched the Repubs try to discredit him and the Dems ask him question after question, I was shocked about how not-shocked I really was.  I mean, here’s a guy confirming that Trump really DID collude with the Russians to get dirt on HRC.  He really DID pay off a porn star and Playboy model in the weeks just before the election.  He even worked on his Russian Trump Tower project right up to the election and continued his private business into his time in office.  This guy should have never been elected, but he should have been run out on a rail over two years ago.

But now, we’re all just numb, and sick of the whole sordid affair.  I do know one thing, though; every person who has supported him and his lies, from Senators to everyday voters have forfeited their right for LIFE to get scandalized by anything done by Dems or their supporters.

And THAT is my new rule.

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