Mr. Big Shot

March 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So he said he wanted to play with the big boys.  He was ready to kick some butt and would make us tired of winning.  He said we weren’t respected around the world and he could fix that.

But he didn’t know it would be this complicated.  No one knew. You know, except people who can see lightning or hear thunder.

BRUSSELS — The European Parliament has passed a nonbinding resolution calling for the reintroduction of visa requirements for American citizens, raising the stakes in a long-running battle over the United States’ refusal to grant visa-free access to citizens of five European Union countries.

Claude Moraes is a British lawmaker who leads the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in the European Parliament.  He says our policy is making people in Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania feel it gives them second-class treatment.

He adds  —-

“There’s no denying heightened concern about the current administration, but that’s more about uncertainty about who’s in charge and how the State Department is working.”

Honey, here’s the deal: the state department doesn’t work. Rex Tillerson was appointed Secretary of State as a favor to Vladimir Putin. Trump had never met Tillerson before he was appointed.

And by the way, European Union, if you think you’re being treated like a second class person, just think how we feel!

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Mr. Big Shot”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Dear Lady Karma,
    Golf clubs make ideal lightning rods. Just sayin’ …

  2. maryelle says:

    It may not meet the original definition, but this is the beginning of the Trump Domino Effect. He just can’t see the consequences of his godawful actions.

  3. Trump needs to appoint Aretha Franklin to something. Probably have to draft her. It’s the only way he’ll get any R-E-S-P-E-C-T into his administration at this point.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    @Rick … Aretha Franklin would probably spit in his eye before ever accepting anything from TwitterFingers. Draft her? Ha!! She’d spit in his other eye!!

  5. two crows says:

    So Europe plans to make it harder for us to get in? Those of us who want out of this country had better hurry our plans up, hmmm?

    The only thing trickling down in the US today is the karma 45 is generating.

  6. The photo leads me to believe that The Prez is hitting the KFC a tad too often.

    Wonder how his triglycerides look.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Okay, let me get this out just once:


    There. I said it. End of discussion. Period.

  8. Of course he has no idea how our government works. He’s another in the line of rich blowhards who want more power, so they claim they can save us all by “running the government like a business.” Trouble is, in business people usually have to jump when the head honcho says to, and businesses are run for the purpose of making money for the stockholders, whereas the purpose of government is to keep the citizens safe and alive and with any luck reasonably happy most of the time, and we have checks and balances for a reason (though they don’t work if one damn party has all three branches of government). This is the first time one of those CEO blowhards has actually been elected and had to put our money where his mouth is. We’d be a lot better off if they’d start by running for city council and get a grip on how government works and what its purpose is.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Jan, if the twitter feed of Orange Foolius is a diagnostic tool, there’s a high probability his triglycerides are in the stroke range. There is definitely a blockage in that block head.

    Anyone know the cause of death for either Fred or Mary Drumpf? Casual search did not reveal that, but it did reveal the source of Dolt45’s hair ‘design.’

    Among his many issues, it appears that Donnie also has a serious Mommy issue.

  10. PKM, that’s an excellent likeness to Orange Whore.

    JAK, you are correct. Wapo had an article about the complete dysfunction of the state dept. Staffers say no one is in charge. Tilly is AWOL and Orange Whore doesn’t consult with him on anything. Tilly is persona non grata in the White House, just a sop to Whore’s butt buddy, Putie.

    The US doesn’t have a government. We have a f**king Lunatic and a NaziKKK playing power games in the big boys’ office.

  11. My passport was due to expire this month… but I decided to renew it in December before President Obama left office, just in case. Though it was supposed to take 4-6 weeks, I got the new one a mere 11 days after I mailed in the old. I wonder how long it would take now?

    Also, too, we’re traveling to Europe for a week in June. Sure hope the fact that I was born in America’s heartland (Nebraska) gets me back in. Hubby was born in California, so all bets are off. Course we live in Blue Commie Oregon, so who knows. Haha.
