I Got My Wires Tapped Yesterday. Thanks, Obama.

March 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “I Got My Wires Tapped Yesterday. Thanks, Obama.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Totally terrific graphic, John!

    As for Donnie’s latest twitter storm, best left to the mental health professionals at Walter Reed. Orange Foolius needs to be there before breakfast tomorrow.

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    Oh, Brother–throw out another piece of chaff to keep the press off your tail, Donnie.

    Oops–ain’t gonna work.

  3. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Whiney little b!tch. He’s trying to draw attention away from Russian connections.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    The Potus cannot order wiretaps, therefore Obama had nothing to do with this.

    According to people in the know, now that Drumpf has publicized the wiretap, any leakers caught cannot be prosecuted because that info is no longer private or secure.

    Drumpf is overdo for an intervention, complete with strait jackets and a quick ride to a barred rubber room where he can’t get out or hurt himself or others.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    e platypus onion, seriously. Hope her protection detail is keeping Messalina far away from that maniac. His morning tweets suggest he’s reached the homicidal stage. Next presser with Sean, KellyAnne, and/or Reince will be interesting regarding the amount of battle damage they are sporting. Anyone withing throwing distance of those short vulgarian little fingers will have a few bruises.

  6. There is no asylum big enough to hold Donny and his wacko crew.

    Well, except for the White House, that is.

  7. I accuse Cheeto Jeebus of being an idiot. I have no proof (circumstantial evidence, perhaps) but that’s no longer necessary, by his “rules”.

  8. …preserve, protect, and defend…

    Unfortunately it never says the President has to read the Constitution. Without that extra effort, Trump only has to defend an old piece of brittle paper. Or get “the best” white guys to tell him how.

  9. charles phillips says:

    He’s running scared. People on the breitbart end of the spectrum only see this as some kind of dastardly plot to unseat him. The rest of us see this as a defacto admission of guilt.

    Popcorn futures are going to go through the roof!

  10. Every time he opens his mouth his descends to another new low. Hopefully the hollow man is nearing empty.

  11. Unfortunately – and I do mean that – CJ will pull yet another weird stunt and the previous one will fade to wherever. There is just too much of Roy Cohn in this guy for this country to be safe with him in the Oval Office.

  12. @TTPT–I agree. He is getting more and more like Captain Queeg. Instead of the marbles, he has twitter.

  13. So Trump claims that he was wiretapped before the election and blames Obama. But the only ones who could authorize a wiretap are the FBI, with a FISA warrant, if someone was suspected of operating as an agent of a foreign government.



  14. Jere Armen says:

    “Probably” . . . I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you to know. I’m keepin’ you in suspense.

  15. someone elsewhere noted that the disgraced former head of FIFA lives in Trump Tower, so it’s quite likely there are phone taps in the building, for him, not Trump. how accurate this is, I have no idea. but hey, it’s “out there”.

  16. M Ramos says:

    There are several definitions for the word “execute.” El Trumpo probably understands it in this statement as meaning, “to put to death.” That would explain a lot that we’ve been seeing.

  17. Old Fart says:

    Well, if it *is* true, I wonder what the FISA argument was that seemed plausible…


  18. Tilphousia says:

    His lies become more outrageous daily. No proof about wiretap so he starts tweeting. Why? To try to distract people from the Russian scandle which is fast becoming as big or bigger than Watergate.
    Hmm. Could use cockwomble and staff as sacrifices to volcanoes around the world but the volcano Gods would be offended and toss them all back.

  19. One term president?? Say hello to Nixon dipstick!

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    Tilphousia: Distraction? That’s the nutty part. The wiretaps were BECAUSE it was Russians they were chatting with. He’s just trying to deflect by creating a false accusation of “abuse of power”. But that’s going no where because the Prez can’t authorize wiretaps. The DOJ, with convincing evidence from the FBI, makes the request. The FISA court gives permission if convinced by the evidence of “just cause”. (Welcome to democracy 2017, Donnie.)

    But you are right about one thing; the bastard is starting to sweat. I say TURN UP THE HEAT!!!

  21. Rhea, Trump probably thinks Obama did it using Hillary’s private email server.

    The Repub party needs to rename itself:

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    LynnN: They earned a new name some time ago. But then it was The No. Nothing. Party. Still apt.

  23. Orange Whore had his eyes crossed behind his back when he took the oath. He can do that you know, because he’s tremendously the smartest.

    It’s takes very little stress for him to come unglued. Remember the bizarre tweets the first couple weeks? Here he goes again.

  24. The thing is, a lot of his Trumpets believe whatever he says. They don’t know or care that he spouts crap with no evidence. As far as they’re concerned, wicked Obomber wiretapped their boy, trying to hurt his election chances, but he triumphed anyway.

  25. AK Lynne says:

    If he lasts four years there will be nothing left of this country…maybe nothing left anywhere.

  26. JAKvirginia, I’ve heard it both ways. And given Repub’s difficulties with spelling, it’s all the same to them.

    AK Lynne, we have a chance in 2018 to at least take the Senate (probably not the House, but who knows?). A Dem Senate could block a lot of things and has considerable power in deciding what bills advance and what Presidential nominees get approved.

    I know I’m being a curmudgeon, but I’m starting to flinch every time I’m asked to sign a petition or participate in a march or whatever. Too many progressives seem to prefer talking about issues to winning elections and doing something about them.

    2000 was bad. 2010 was a huge mistake. 2016 was lunacy that we cannot repeat in 2020 unless we want permanent Repub control of state governments, redistricting and voter law.

  27. maryelle says:

    Laura, brilliant comparison to Captain Queeg. Trump ate the strawberries hisownself and wants to cast the blame on Captain Obama. Watch for the ball bearings. They’ll signal the end.

  28. What? Isn’t that oath of office thing kind of like the user agreement on software, where you have to click “agree” to make it work but it really doesn’t mean anything? He did it, so now he gets to do the stuff, right?

    What a dipwad.

  29. Nixon ’68 tampering with the Paris Peace Conference (?) to undermine the Democrats, another 20,000 American service personal will die before an agreement is made.
    Reagan ’80 meddling to delay the release of the Tehran Hostages followed by the drug dealing and gun running of the Iran-Contra Crimes.
    Trump getting cozy with Russian hackers.
    Damn straight history has taught us you need to hang a bell on these alleged patriots of the GOP, who will do anything to gain power. God save the United States before Putin’s Pawn sells it off.

  30. @Laura–Thanks for agreeing with me. It seems my comment disappeared in the meantime. I think I’ll blame it on Obama.

  31. @maryelle—My comment about Trump being Captain Queeg that Laura was referring to went off into the ether. I’m starting to think it was a conspiracy. Where’s my tinfoil hat?

  32. maryelle says:

    Kudos, TTPT, I was wondering where your comment went.
    Maybe it’s up on the cloud.

  33. Jane & PKM says:

    😀 Patience, Grasshoppers. Anna is busy ghost busting and gremlin stomping. Among some of the new messages to be expected: 405 error and “you already said that” when you didn’t. Liberal sites are being spam bot attacked and otherwise Vlad impaled.

    Did Donnie ask Vlad to release the hounds? Maybe the intrepid Alfredo can tie Dork45 to that money trail.
