Mark Your Damn Calendar Right Now

September 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 20th, 10:00 am ET, Senator Elizabeth Warren gets to question Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf about the fake accounts.  It will be on CSPAN when the House Banking Committee meets, although Thelma says that this will be such big game that ESPN ought to cover it.

By the way, Senator Warren isn’t the only one a tad upset.

After meeting Tuesday with Wells Fargo President Tim Sloan, Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, requested a batch of documents on the bank’s sales practices and the salaries and positions of those fired for improper sales tactics.

Cummings also asked Wells Fargo to justify the huge $124 million in stocks and options that community banking head Carrie Tolstedt is set to walk away with when she retires at the end of the year. Tolstedt led the division that created millions of fake accounts, and Cummings asked if her pay will be “clawed back.”

She needs to be in jail, dammit.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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