James O’Keefe: James Bond on Drugs

August 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all all know about James O’Keefe, the two bit agent provocateur for the Republican party.

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 11.20.31 AMHe tried a new scam.  And failed.  Again.

He wanted to prove that we need Voter ID laws.  So, he marched into a primary voting precinct in Michigan and pretended to be someone he was not.  He said he’d lost his driver’s license and gave the voting clerk a name.  She replied that Michigan law allows someone to vote a provisional ballot if they are willing to sign a sworn affidavit attesting that they are who they say they are.  He handed him the affidavit but he didn’t sign it.

Good thing, because the name he was using is a guy on the editorial board of the Detroit Free Press, Brian Dickerson, who just so happens to be a friend of the election clerk.  She just wanted to see if O’Keefe would be willing to commit a felony by signing it.

The guy on the editorial board writes —

But instead of forging the affidavit — a felony punishable by imprisonment — O’Keefe aborts and heads to Birmingham City Hall, where he confronts City Clerk Laura Pierce (on camera, of course) with the somewhat exaggerated claim that one of her volunteer poll workers has just offered him my ballot in return for a forged signature.

Well, see, that never happened.  The system worked.  He was never offered a ballot. He was offered an affidavit and a golden opportunity to commit a felony.

Additionally, the city election clerk would have informed law enforcement that the real Brian Dickerson voted by mail two days earlier.

The system worked.  Sadly, O’Keefe never has.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “James O’Keefe: James Bond on Drugs”

  1. Tell me again why this a$$hole isn’t in jail already?

  2. two crows says:

    Proving, once again, that election fraud [pretty rampant across much of the south] AND voter fraud [almost nonexistent but O’Keefe is working to change that] is pretty much, across the board, committed by snacilbupeR.

    Why am I not surprised?

  3. Remember Karl Rove was ‘W’s brain. Could be that O’Keefe is Drumps brain. That would explain a lot.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What BarbinDC said.

  5. Like PKM said, “What BarbinDC said.”

    Although honestly it is Hannah Giles that I’d like to see doing the hard time in a private jail someplace. O’Keefe is merely a useful idiot, Giles spun and spun the whole prostitute story while O’Keefe filmed like Fellini. Then Giles’ proud dad is quoted as saying, upon the birth of Hannah’s chile, “My oldest daughter Hannah (who leveled ACORN) and her husband Joe (who’s currently leveling other nefarious nuts) had a handsome little boy they’ve named, Hamish. Badass name, eh?” Apparently this is a fam of conservative playground bullies who get their collective rocks off destroying organizations and people that fail their litmus test.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Okeefe needs an intervention done by jack-booted thugs.

  7. “See? Election fraud! See? See?”

    No, all I see is a nasty little jerk trying to play games with the law again and claim that somebody else is doing it. And what BarbinDC said.

  8. Ooh ooh, did anyone see the story about okeefe botching his “investigation” of George Soros’ foundation? While impersonating someone, he called an official in the foundation, only to get their voicemail. He left a message. He set the phone down. And proceeded to discuss his scullduggery and plans for a few minutes before realizing he was probably being recorded. There’s another name for James Bond on drugs. Maxwell Smart.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    O’keefe ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. I did see that story P.P.

  10. Lunargent says:

    Hell, he ain’t even the sharpest SPOON in the drawer!

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    BarbinDC: YES! And there’s a Congressional investigation we’ll never see.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    I live in hope, JAKV. that Dems will get subpoena power and clean the cesspool wingnuts have made of congress.

  13. Aggieland Liz says:

    Um, he is white and republican and a citizen. So how does that prove any of the snacilbupeR points that illegal persons of color are committing voter fraud?

  14. Aggieland Liz says:

    …to vote for Democrats…?

  15. If the City Clerk’s telling is accurate this is a newsworthy failed farce. If O’Keefe’s rendition were correct it is a criminal attempt with the crook being O’Keefe.

  16. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    O’Keefe seems to be determined to increase the incidence of voter fraud no matter how many times he has to commit it himself. What a dweeb!

  17. e platypus onion says:

    The thing with wingnuts is, if O’Keefe commits fraud once that plays directly into wingnut narrative that fraud is rampant.

  18. I once had a dog who was compelled to chase his tail in an ever wandering and widening circle. He failed at every attempt. Then he fell asleep. When he woke up he did it all over again. The vet said it was something in his DNA, something genetic.He would never be able to learn anything different. I felt sorry for the poor dog. Chasing his tail was his whole life. Even for a dog, thats one helluva substandard existence. Yes, this does remind me of O’Keefe. S.A.D.

  19. James Bond liable!

  20. …er, libel.

  21. What kind of life is that? Spending your time, energy and money trying to deceive people? Yeah, he’s seriously messed up. No wonder he’s a Scumpfian snacilbupeR. He fits right in.

  22. Sandridge says:

    maggie @18, perfect O’Keefe (and Rethug) metaphor.
    And I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but lil’ jerky Jimmie O’ has such a supremely punchable face and look to him, with a 2×4 even…my fist clenches up just seeing his pukey pic.

    Poor sot was probably bullied from pre-pre-school age, and has been over-compensating ever since.
    (hell, the clear-eyed baby in the next newborn cart probably hosed him down shortly after birth…a proto-WATB, heheh)

  23. Chloe Bear says:

    The poll worker should sue him for slander. And what BarbinDC wrote.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Snacilbuper reject science, but they’re living specimens of the pseudosciences. Consider phrenology. Mark the comparative spots on the skulls of James O’Keefe, Ethan Couch and Donnie Drumpf, Jr. There’s a road map of affuenza, inside and out.

    As for Donnie Senile, he’s a Freudian hot mess – an improperly potty trained toddler from Pamper to Depends never having worn big boy pants.

  25. Jodi devries says:

    Quite the investigative journalist! Commits the crime, then reports on himself?

  26. Inspector Jacques Clouseau of the Pink Panther movies. Nuts and fails spectacularly with bumbling around until he may have an accidental success.
    You’re right, he should get a job.
