If You’ve Over 30, Don’t Screw Around Using Computers

June 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless Paul Manafort’s heart.  Like most people over 30 years old, he just accepts that computers are magic, and have no knowledge of how it works.

Remember a few months ago when it was revealed that the reason Manafort got caught trying to defraud the government was because he left a paper trail.  And he left a paper trail because he couldn’t convert a PDF to a Word file and had to ask for help.

Oh, the Antics of Captain Keyboard continues.  In the latest charge of witness tampering, Manafort used WhatsApp to send messages to people asking them to lie.  WhatsApp is encrypted so Manafort thought he was safe.  He was wrong. WhatsApp has a setting that automatically backs up the messages to your iCloud account.  Unless that feature is disabled, anybody with a warrant can see your iCloud account with all your WhatsApp messages fully spelled out in a nice order.

No wonder they raided his home by slamming through the front door. The man was fixing to break the Internet.


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