He’s Coming to the Flood

June 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Governor Greg Abbott is coming to see our flooding tomorrow because … I dunno, he likes the book better than the movie?

I suspect he’s coming to tell us that this is not flooding, this is little baby Jesus tears crying that Barack Obama is destroying America.  And his solution?  Prayer. More prayer. Lots more prayer. You’re not praying hard enough, dammit. You’re all going to hell for the sins of homosexuals and liberals.

I hope they warned him about the unisex bathrooms at Jaime’s Dairy Mart and that our Planned Parenthood has condoms. Oh, we are so going to hell.

If I can find my waders, I want to ask him about this.  Abbott opened up a deceptive trade practices case against Trump University.  Did any of the students in Texas get their money back?  Nope. Wanna know why?

The office of then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, a Republican, opened a civil investigation of “possibly deceptive trade practices.” Abbott’s probe was quietly dropped in 2010 when Trump University agreed to end its operations in Texas. Trump subsequently donated $35,000 to Abbott’s successful gubernatorial campaign, according to records.

It’s not that I mind that the Governor is for sale.  Hell, we’ve gotten used to that around here.  What I mind is that he’s for sale so damn cheap.


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0 Comments to “He’s Coming to the Flood”

  1. cheap, deceptive sleaze du jour is where its at JJ.

  2. joe's still confused says:

    Ima bettin he brings some books to sell

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “It’s not that I mind that the Governor is for sale. Hell, we’ve gotten used to that around here. What I mind is that he’s for sale so damn cheap.”

    What I hate is that the buyers violate the meaning of the word sale. Once they buy the crap, aren’t they supposed to take the crap with them? But no. It’s like a lay-away program with them or some bizarre down payment with which they tender cash and we’re still stuck with the odious product.

    At a minimum, we should extract a storage fee from the buyers for the cost of their political purchases. Maybe 90% taxation would stop this odious practice.

  4. Well I see his point.
    1. With the end of the semester many co-eds leave Austin for the beach.

    2. He might see an opportunity for one of his snacilbupeR buddies to make a shekel or thousands.

    3. He’s still practicing his “parting of the waters” trick for the snacilbupeR convention in a few weeks.

    4. His ADD/ADHD has kicked in and going to the flood is better than starting a fire in the fireplace on the Governor’s mansion porch. Again

  5. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    $35,000 was the price for one of the Elite Package of Courses offered by Trump U.

    “Free tuition”

  6. maryelle says:

    Has he called out the National Guard or requested help from the feds? Is he aware how long this has been going on? He must think it will maker a good photo op for himself.
    Talk about ineffective government.

  7. Gindy51 says:

    The AG of Florida did the same thing only she was only bribed with $25K.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    It should be pointed out to him by someone with a bullhorn that his steadfast upholding of stupid ideas has cost this state many millions of dollars of federal money for schools and health care, and he’d better deliver on emergency care.

    And yes, a question on why he preferred to sell out Texas citizens for Trump’s money by ignoring fraud practiced on Texans…definitely needs to be hollered through a bullhorn.

  9. Elizabeth2 says:

    You might point out to him that the weather is beautiful in Massachusetts, the state that has given the nation Elizabeth Warren and has just enacted a transgender protection statute. Why hasn’t baby Jesus made the Charles jump its banks?

    And where, Miz JJ, can I send a check so it will do the most good for the folks who have been flooded?

  10. e platypus onion says:

    If Drumpf#$k loses the WH he cas join A-Butt’s administration as Secretary of Wall Building or Ambassador to Messicans.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    If Drumpf#$k loses the WH he can join A-Butt’s administration as Secretary of Wall Building or Ambassador to Messicans.

  12. He will undoubtedly offer his “thoughts and prayers” too all who have been flooded out of their homes and have lost many possessions. That’s all that Republicans offer after a major disaster rather than actual assistance. Abbott & Co. will send the National Guard to spy on a perfectly legitimate national military training exercise in the twinkling of an eye, but he won’t help people in need. I’ve read enough of his thoughts to know they’re not worth a dime, and I’m not sure where his prayers wind up, but I am sure it’s not in anyone’s heaven. If I weren’t so timid, I’d tell you what I REALLY think.

  13. He will undoubtedly offer his “thoughts and prayers” to all who have been flooded out of their homes and have lost many possessions. That’s all that Republicans offer after a major disaster rather than actual assistance. Abbott & Co. will send the National Guard to spy on a perfectly legitimate national military training exercise in the twinkling of an eye, but he won’t help people in need. I’ve read enough of his thoughts to know they’re not worth a dime, and I’m not sure where his prayers wind up, but I am sure it’s not in anyone’s heaven. If I weren’t so timid, I’d tell you what I REALLY think.

  14. All the flooding is *because* of prayer– remember when Perry prayed to end the drought? His god has bad timing, just like he had bad aim when he flooded out all those poor people in New Orleans instead of the gays and drag queens.

    Or else prayer has nothing to do with it. That would be my bet.

    DC doesn’t flood too often either, by the way.

  15. I also saw today that Paul Ryan said he will vote for Trump. So much for “conservative” principles.

    GOP now stands for “Grand Old Phonies.”

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Gregory Abbott did a song called-Shake you down. Wonder what A-butt’s campaign song was?

  17. “It’s not that I mind that the Governor is for sale. Hell, we’ve gotten used to that around here. What I mind is that he’s for sale so damn cheap.”

    Juanita, sweetie, I gotta tell ya – science itself has proven that there is a direct correlation between conservatism and corruption. And the more virulent the conservatism, the more self-serving the corruption. If you haven’t noticed that, you’re not paying attention. But what do you expect from an ideology that loudly proclaims “Rugged Individualism,” which, as the observant among us have learned, is really just code words for “I’m gettin’ mine, screw you!” Hell, Mollie Ivins (God rest her soul – I sure miss her) built an entire career out of merely pointing that out.

    So when your proud GOP conservative governor comes to Richmond to inspect the damage and be seen clucking about how very very sorry he is for it, you gotta ask yourself what’s in it for him. As in, follow the money. So when he hires people to clean up the mess, better check to see how much and to whom those folks are contributing to political campaigns. Betcha it’ll prove real interesting.

  18. Politicians are so cheap, because they are rented. If you actually bought them, it would be a one time payment. They wouldn’t be asking for money weekly.

  19. JJ, the radio and TV stations around here cannot make up their minds as to how many of our soldiers drowned in that training accident in a flooded creek. I’m blown away with the loss of live in general in this catastrophe and the soldiers specifically. As for yourself and your family, may I recommend Canada? They are not having any floods of their own at the moment. Pick any place up there. Its all good. Bless you and keep you!

  20. TrulyTexan says:

    Sure would be a shame if some actual patriot shoved him and his (expletive deleted) lieutenant governor in the river. It would cause massive pollution down stream, but in the long run would rid the state of the most toxic garbage we have had in a while. Even if we can get the republicans out of Austin, the governors mansion will be a Superfund site for foreseeable future.

  21. I didn’t think there was worse, more corrupt state government than South Damnkota, but Texass is awful close. Texass hasn’t murdered an entire family to shut them up. Has it?
