He Even got His Doctor to Lie

January 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

Following up on JJ’s earlier post:  Trump even has to brag about his height.  During the campaign, he boasted that he’s 6′ 3″.  During the briefing on his health today, the doctor reported that he’s 6′ 3″.  Oh, and that he weighs 239 lbs.  At those stats, Trump’s body mass index (BMI) is 29.9 which classifies him as “overweight”.  The BMI that would classify him as obese?  30.  Trump’s driver’s license says that he’s 6′ 2″.  I actually met him about 10 years ago during a pro-am golf tournament, and I can assure you he’s not 6′ 3″ and would be on his toes to be 6′ 2″.

It gets better.  It gets a lot better.  Jeb Bush actually IS 6′ 3″.  Here’s a picture of Jeb and Trump side by side at one of the debates:

Trump is 6′ to 6′ 1″ tops, but for argument’s sake, let’s grant him 6′ 2″.  Why does it matter?  At 6′ 2″, his BMI  is 30.68 which the NIH classifies as obese.  Tonight, though, Colbert took another perspective.  At the 6′ 3″ height, 239 is ONE POUND shy of obese.  He speculated that Trump said, “Hey Doc, this roll of 100s weighs about one pound, and it’s yours.”

Today during the briefing, the doctor couldn’t even pass the straight face test on questions of Trump’s diet, claiming that “the President just has good genes.”  Colbert quipped, “Yeah, good genes.  He just can’t get into them.”

Trump actually got a US Navy doctor from Walter Reed Medical Center to lie about the president’s physical and mental condition.

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0 Comments to “He Even got His Doctor to Lie”

  1. 6’3″ in those Disco Duck platform shoes maybe.

  2. He could add inches to his height by shedding pounds. This would allow his frame to straighten up. what grabbed my attention at that press conference was this: was he tested for STD’S? Yeah, there were questions about his mental state but nothing further south. Cognitive tests? Oh, my! They won’t even skim the surface of a number of other diagnoses.

  3. Trump took the mental test called “The Montreal Cognitive Assessment”. Try the test yourself, it is really something. It makes me feel so safe to know that the leader of the free world can pass this test with flying colors:

  4. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    The doctor didn’t lie. He read from a 3 X 5 index card supplied by the precident [sic]. The Admiral’s Commander-in-Chief gave him an order and he had to carry out the order since it was not an ‘illegal directive’ under the Conventions and findings of The Hague. His orders aren’t war crimes until war is involved.

    This is the shameful extent to which this ‘off-white’ House will go to manage the news and influence opinion. It only uses ALTERED facts.

  5. Consider how Trump (and his cronies) might view the MoCA not as a medical tool but some kind of contest to be won. Copies of the test are widely available.

    The test is administered verbally by the doctor. I have watched my mother’s doctor exhibit kindness and patience while administering the test to include waiting for answers for long periods of time, gentle repetition of the question, etc. Of course he is using the assessment as a tool within the context of a medical procedure.

    It would not take much to ‘game’ this assessment.

  6. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Borowitz has pointed out how miraculous it is that the frail, weak Trump who couldn’t pass a military physical is now in “excellent” health.

  7. Dr. Ronny Jackson just said the President sleeps 4-5 hours a night but takes Ambien? The risk of next-day psychomotor impairment is increased if AMBIEN is taken with less than a full night of sleep (7 to 8 hours). So the President is governing our nation impaired?

  8. So far as I know there are no objective standards for such exams. The stoner doctor who saw Drumpf in 2016, while sober, might have radically different opinions of fitness for duty as compared to a Navy Doc who sees relatively young, healthy sailors and Marines. Maybe the POTUS’ annual exam results should be reported to the public in the light of those tests required by an FAA first class medical certificate required of airline transport pilots. Knowing a POTUS or a POTUS candidate’s fitness for duty as compared to an airline transport pilot’s might help make the decision in the voting booth easier.

  9. Opinionated Hussy says:

    The MoCa is a great test for early signs of dementia, but I do not believe he got a perfect score on it, and certainly not without help. (Giving the test gently and patiently, by the way, is the standard.) The photo with Jeb looks like Drumplestiltskin is 6’1″.

    Thank you to the WMDBS for several belly-laughs this morning. I cannot think of a better way to approach another cold, snowy morning!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    There’s a test going on for cognitive dissonance. Between what Doctor Ronny is telling us and what our own lying eyes have seen, even Leon Festinger would be confused, if not for the fact he is deceased. I distinctly remember a photo op of world leaders walking uphill, while pResident Lard Pie was hauled up the hill in an ox cart. Then there was the video of Dotard45 stuck in a sand trap. No, not just his golf ball. Wagers were being made on whether a wrecker would be called to assist Orange Foolius out of the trap.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Expect Donnie to twitter off a few toes shortly. There’s a girther movement with people demanding to see Donnie’s “girth certificate.”

    My request would be that Doctor Ronny take Donnie to the nearest shipyard and launch him into the water. Cubic displacement will give an accurate reading of his body fat.

  12. There’s a simple way around this problem.
    Release Trump’s weight in Roman Numerals:


    Now if anyone wants to quibble, claim it was converted wrong, used the English system, metric, etc.
    Anything to keep people from talking about what they can see with their own eyes, in any photo, without a scale, or numeral attached. The guy is a tub of lard.

  13. Fleeting Expletive says:

    My theory is that the initial misspelling of “Ronnie” was someone’s distress signal, plain as day. This Doctor’s reputation has never before been impugned, as far as I know. Did I hear yesterday that he travels with the President, and has done so for Obama and Bush. I’ll have to read up on that. But, if that has been true, what horrors has the man been witness to? And what intimidations may have been implied? “Ronnie” may have knuckled under like so very many “honorable” people in this admin. To a one, exposed as tissue thin, ethically. Masters, Kelly, Priebus, etc. I have weighed 239 myself while married to a 6’2″/290 to 310 man. Trump goes 280, and I weigh 170 now.
    I bet the doctor decides to retire during this admin, however long it is.

  14. One of the commenters on Wonkette posted a photo of him with Obama. Obama is 6’1″. They were exactly the same height.

    Rick, make that “rancid tub of lard”.

  15. Another thing about that driver’s license. It was issued in 2012 but the picture is ancient. You or I go into the DMV to renew a license and we have to use a current photo. Not Trump.

  16. RE: “rancid tub of lard”


  17. If I had to look at a naked Trump I’d probably be too shook up to distinguish between pounds and kilograms myself.

    Will Joe Arpaio investigate the girth certificate?

  18. I think I’ve figured out how Trump got the doctor to sign off on his exam. He found a physician willing to take a Hypocrites Oath. When it’s administered by the President it supersedes the Hippocratic Oath.

  19. You wanted a real doctor, you got him. Now you want to demonize the doctor. How Republican…

  20. Marge Wood says:

    I’m 5’3″. I used to be 5’9″. Old people shrink. Just saying. I assume anyone he hires is for sale and they all lie. That is pathetic.

  21. AliceBeth says:

    Once he said Trump was “articulate”, I knew he was lying.

  22. “The White House doctor said last night that President Trump was in excellent health and had passed a test to screen for cognitive decline and conditions such as Alzheimer’s.”

    Has this doctor passed the test?

  23. yet another baby boomer says:

    6’2”, 6’3”, whatevs. Comey’s still taller and the orange one is still ticked off about it. Hmmm, what’s Mueller’s height?

  24. All y’all are just obsessing on Trump like he’s some kind of celebrity.

    The only thing I want to hear on Trump’s report is that he has less than a year to live.
