Got Some Free Time? Wanna Get To Know Texas?

June 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some wonderful person made an open records request to see the correspondences sent to Governor Greg Abbott about Jade Helm.  They got 419 pieces of of mail, including at least two written on tin foil hat-making material.

Click the little ones to see the big ones.


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And there were some from our team.


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You can read the whole mess of them here and even see the scans of the tin foil ones.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Got Some Free Time? Wanna Get To Know Texas?”

  1. Annabelle Lee says:

    Does no one in Texas understand that it’s martial law, named for the military imposing order, not related to the Marshall court?

  2. AliceBeth says:

    Paranoia is really very sad, but these letters are also funny. I wish I could sympathize with their stress and worry…but I cannot. It is best if the really crazy people speak up so they can be identified.

  3. With apologies to and paraphrasing from Big Bang Theory,
    Reading some of those comments “has made me wanna start cutting myself again.”

  4. BarbinDC says:

    RE: that person writing in from Big Spring–isn’t that where the state Bug House is?

  5. I hope after the tin foil hats were scanned, Governor Abbott put it to it’s intended use. Should keep Obama from hearing the governor’s future plans to counteract Jade Helm.

    You don’t want to lose the element of surprise.

  6. Wa Skeptic says:

    I sort of feel sorry for the ones who are so fearful; what a way to go through life.

  7. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of the idea to start a campaign to sent foil to the Gov. And only 419 letters! Seriously, even a modest campaign would have overwhelmed his office.

    Note to self — must do more to embarrass this idiot.

  8. Crikey!!! I know what it is to go through all sorts of this stuff. When Vatican II was implemented, we tried to be good and comforting listeners to all those folks who freaked, most of whom were over a certain age. They were just totally unable to adjust. Let me be clear. I am not into “age-ism”. Turns out these folks had trouble adjusting all their lives. There was just no way to crank them out of it. Most of them felt as if they were being penalized by the church for something they may or may not have done. Yup. I hear yah. The institution should have done a better job rolling out Vatican II to begin with. I had no problem with English every Sunday or whatever language of the country, but wow! Katy bar the door on that one!

  9. e platypus onion says:

    I’m guessing A-Butt has a “tin” ear.

  10. Sadly, my first reaction was “Only two that were tin-foil worth?” I would have expected a much higher proportion.

  11. I’m guessing that Texas has more con-trails than the other 49 put together.

  12. One tweet says do not legalize MaryWanna.
    Well what ever your personal belief like your religious belief is YOUR opinion and is most likely totally untrue-false-lie!!!
    Show me evidence that any drug is WORSE then smoking-alcohol-other legal ones and then I will think about what you state. Also OVER DOSE evidence does not count for much as ALL legal drugs used improperly are bad as well. Also if overdosing and abuse harms the user…I don’t care! Its the user’s problem, and as a user I don’t need YOU to protect ME from ME!!!!!

  13. Fred Farklestone says:

    Abbott is using one of the “14 Characteristics of Fascism,” to keep his bottom-feeding base riled up!

    7 – Obsession with National Security:
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  14. Wyatt Earl says:

    Love the tin foil mailing.

    Next time Abbott does something paranoid like this, let’s ALL do it. Your job, Juanita, is to remind us. Please.

  15. just when I think I might be able to travel to another part of the country and be able to say I’m from Texas…this crap happens..sigh*

  16. @Wyatt Earl.. I agree I would have made a contribution also.

  17. Betty in Georgetown says:

    How will the Texas State Guard “monitor” Jade Helm 15? Issue a clipboard, yellow lined pad of paper, and a pencil to each Guard member, then station them at intersections around the JH area? They’ll need a flashlight, chair, some shade, and for pete’s sake, what about bathroom breaks? I worry about these things.


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