Archive for August, 2011

Well, They Ain’t Welcome At My Parade Either

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I wonder why Republicans even go outside on Labor Day.

So do the hard working folks in Wisconsin.

Community parades often feature local politicians waving to the crowds, but this year’s annual Labor Day parade in Wausau may be short a few elected officials.

That’s because the head of the group that sponsors the Wausau Labor Day Parade, the Marathon County Central Labor Council, is telling Republicans lawmakers from the area that they’re not welcome on Sept. 5.

“Usually they’ve been in the parade, but it seems like they only want to stand with us one day a year, and the other 364 days they don’t really care,” said Randy Radtke, president of the Council. The Council is made up of about 30 local unions from the Marathon County area.

In a statement, Radtke added that parade is intended to celebrate working men and women and what the labor movement has given them: weekends, a 40-hour work week, child labor protection and a safe working environment.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

Okay, Take the Camera Phones Away From Them. Now.

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a new Anthony Weiner.  Except, as always, with a Republican twist.

It seems that Puerto Rican senator and GOP cheerleader Roberto Arango’s profile appeared on gay hook-up app.

In a not flattering pose.  Sorry, I can’t put it here because Momma comes here.  But trust me on this, no telling how many hours of yoga it took to be able to do a self photograph of one’s hiney doggy style.  Trust me on this, too, that’s all you want to know.

Gawker has it all and by all I mean his hiney.

Thank you Davenport for the heads up!

And Michele, I Suspect That When God Told You To Marry Marcus, He Was Being … I Dunno … Ironic?

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The rightwing is never, ever slow to pick up on natural disasters.

Pardon me, I didn’t say that right.  There is no such thing as “natural” disasters.  There are only “Pissed-Off God” Disasters.

Check out Michele Bachman’s comments in Florida

“I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’  Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we’ve got to rein in the spending.”

Okay, I dunno about you, but I am not prepared to let Michele Bachmann interpret for the Big Cowboy in the Sky.  I think her cell connection to the Pearly Gates is breaking up.  I’m pretty sure that God didn’t tell her to marry a gay guy.  I think he said, “That Hayes guy,” referring to Cletus Hayes, an almost famous tinted-sand-in-a-bottle artist in Saginaw.

So when Michele says the earthquake and the hurricane means that God is trying to get the attention of “politicians” to rein in spending in the United States of America, how do we know that it wasn’t God reacting to the draconian cuts they’ve already made?

Me?  Hell, I can’t even read tea leaves or Tarot cards so how am I supposed to know what God means by brutally killing 21 people just to get Bernie Sanders’ attention?  How do we know that God wasn’t trying to get Michele Bachmann to shut the hell up?  Or was simply reacting to Rick Perry entering the race?

I do not want to tell the Head Honcho how to do his business, but these Republicans are kinda slow.  I mean, I can truly see President Michele Bachmann running out of ink in her pen and stumbling on the carpet edge in the same day and interpreting that as a message from God to invade Canada.  Or Saginaw.  You never know.

So, I am making a request of God.  Hire a sky writer and make sure he knows English.

Boy Fight! Boy Fight!

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Personally, they can come up with all the stories they want to, but I think the Rick Perry / Mitt Romney fued is all about hair.

It ain’t about political consultants.  It’s about rugged good looks.  And Hair.  Capital H Hair.

Republican men take hair very seriously.  Just look at Newt or Paul Ryan or Eric Cantor.  These guys are as serous as a snakebite about hair spray.

There is not room on that stage for both their hair.  Those boys will scratch each others eyes out before they will relinquish the “rugged good looks” title.

I say that whichever one comes in 2nd gets the next contract to be the Brawny Paper Towels guy.

Joe, Joe, Whatcha Know

August 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our customer Kellybee has taken to calling Republican congressmen “Congresscretins.”

And, after this, you will, too.

Deadbeat Dad

Republican Tea Party congresscretin Joe Walsh, who said that Barack Obama “bankrupted this county in three short year,” not only has a short memory and wicked tongue, but he also has himself some legal troubles now.

The Chicago Sun Times says he’s $117,000 in arrears with child support.

Now here you’ve got you a guy who said about Washington, “I won’t place one more dollar of debt upon the backs of my kids and grandkids unless we structurally reform the way this town spends money!”  At the very same moment he’s putting his own kids $117,000 in debt.

Yep.  Cretin.

Signing the Pledge

August 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Rick Perry signed the so-called Susan B Anthony pledge.

The SBA List pledge includes four points: a vow to only nominate strict constructionist judges, to “select only pro-life appointees for relevant Cabinet and Executive Branch positions,” to push for defunding Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-supported abortion providers and to sign a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

I know the semi-obvious question is:  why defund Planned Parenthood when  they are in the birth control business.  If you don’t want so many abortions, doesn’t the neuron in your brain synapse that preventing unwanted pregnancies might help?  Did these people eat something that degraded that synapse in their brain?

Second, I ain’t happy with anybody who takes a pledge.  Does the pledge override the oath of office?

Third off, have you noticed how the wingers have quit calling it “activist” judges?  Did you notice that?  Yeah, because now they want activist judges.  It’s now “strict constructionist” judges.  I guess that means that they loved Justice Hugo Black because that’s how he described himself.  Oh, get a grip!  Wingers have no idea what these words mean.  They just don’t want a black President. But, saying that sounds bad.

So when they use words like “founding fathers,” “originalism,” or “constructionist,” those are code words for “For God’s Sake!  George Washington did not mean black people!”

And when you get right down to it, I don’t think the above pledge is strong enough.  I think Perry ought to also pledge not to sit next to a pro choice person because God only knows what cooties might rub off.  And he pledges not to eat food prepared by a pro choice person because who knows what  they are putting in his food.  And that he pledges not to let pro choice people actually look into his eyes because they can cast spells.  And that if he ever even thinks about pro choice – to the stockades for him!  Now, that there’s a pledge.

Thanks to David and Tootie for the heads-up.