Your Two Minute Response Should Be In The Form of Kiss My Butt

April 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Howdy, Republican candidates!

Y’all, things could not be much better.  The Texas Republican Party has invited the Four Horsemen of Annoyance to Texas to debate.  Only three of them have accepted so far – Newt, Paul, and Santorum.  Hell, Honey, Newt would accept an invitation to debate at the Minneapolis airport bathroom from Larry Craig.  Ron Paul lives here anyway so he could walk over and Santorum heard that the Pope was in Mexico wearing a sombrero and a very cool papal sweater vest.

Romney hasn’t decided if he’ll attend.  He’s pretty busy.  After all, his money doesn’t count itself, you know.

But, Republican State Party Chair, Steve Munisteri, has a solution:

He said he will urge the executive committee meeting this weekend to pass a resolution urging Romney to participate in a debate.

Yes, a strongly worded resolution from the folks who think Rick Perry is a real smart guy. I imagine some of the perspicacious language in the resolution will be: chicken, cluck, cluck, cluck, chicken. If that won’t make you jump, your mainspring is unwound.

Republican seating at the event will be handled like they do at a wedding:   Rich Greedy Oilmen on the right, Evangelical Rednecks on the left.  If you want to sit in the middle, you’re not a Republican.  Go home.

This could be fun, y’all.

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