Your Thoughts

December 19, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like you, I am sitting spellbound watching history being made by the January 6 Committee.

I have faith that truth will abide.

Please add any comments here.

See you on the flip side.


0 Comments to “Your Thoughts”

  1. Tom Rutledge says:

    Hoping for the best (for democracy!)

  2. Listening on NPR. Not going out for any reason until the final gavel.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Something needs to come of all this work and evidence- the head of the snake needs to pay with HIS freedom. I hope the DOJ is not intimidated by the threats from his cult which will be sure to come. To let him get away with his actions leading to an insurrection is to be complicit.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    At 2:16 PM EST- they have officially referred TFFG criminally to the DOJ on 4 federal felonies. Here we go.

  5. Only Trump and Eastman? Surprised that Guilani wasn’t on the list.There so many others that were involved.

  6. Oops – my typo! Giuliani.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    They are leaving the DOJ to complete the list of co-conspirators of which they said there are several. Ball’s in your court, Merrick Garland. Do your job.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind fine!

  9. The report is gonna be some kind of juicy reading, that’s for sure. One of the Congressvarmints being referred to the House Ethics Committee is none other than Gym Jordan–who will be the new House JUDICIARY Chair. Nope, the Rethugs will not allowed him to go down, because they are all traitorous swine.

  10. SteveTheReturned says:

    Get moving, DOJ.

  11. Also, I was struck by the fact that fully 1/3 of the Committee will not be back in January–Kinzinger saw the hand writing on the wall and decided not to run again; Cheney lost her primary; and, Luria’s district was gerrymandered and she narrowly lost in the general election.

  12. Ted, not Cruz says:

    Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act. RICO the Porko.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Ted, not Cruz @12, we totally agree! RICO the last dime out of TFG, his family and criminal associates.

    Ms. Papa @5 & 6, the proper spelling of Rudy’s surname is Ghouliani. Or maybe Ghoul-Liar. He’s certainly not a jewel as his surname is often pronounced.

  14. $5 says Garland doesn’t do a thing. I am more than disappointed.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    With the 4 congress critters (Biggs, Perry, Jordan and McCarthy) also referred to the DOJ for felonies, I expect the repugnantican house to be in full vengeance mode. 2023 will be a shit show. Imagine what it’ll be like if they are indicted.

  16. Wow, just wow! More great work from the courageous people defending our fragile Democracy!

    Some really encouraging news, the ABC News talking heads were highly supportive of the January 6 Committee’s work, findings and referrals!
    It wasn’t that long ago that MSM would rarely say anything bad about ANY Republican so this is big news. It’s yet another significant indication that tRump’s gong down and yup tRump destroys everything he touches.

  17. Scott Maxwell says:

    As soon as they said, “and others” Merrick Garland breathed a sign of relief because that will be his out. Taking time to investigate “and others” will take forever.

  18. Should we start making bets as to when tfg has his next big tantrum? I keep hoping he’ll get so angry that his brain will throttle him. Gotta go check and see if I have popcorn.

  19. OK.
    I’ll say ot if no one else will.
    “Lock him up!
    Lock him up!”

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Was thinking about that whole $99 superheroes collectibles grift. I think it was his attorneys’ idea- get money so they get paid and set up a defense for what they knew was coming- an insanity defense.

  21. Contrary to the statement from the committee regarding not letting the big guy go while punishing the little guy(s), I do hope our government rises to this occasion and does not re-use the My Lai Massacre model of justice.

    Ultimately if we cannot defend and practice the concept of peaceful transition of power, we should look at world history. That is what we will gift our children and their descendants.

    The next installment will be to see what the incoming House will do to impede and otherwise interfere with the DOJ investigation. And ultimately, what the Supreme Court will do with the case that is brought.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    ROFLMAO with Steve from Beaverton @ 20. An insanity defense from a lifelong criminal supported by attorneys too stupid to be paid in advance.

    If Homeland Security was actually an item, Messy Drumpf and her illegal parents would be sent back to outer Slovenia or Slobenia or wherevuh the hell in outcast Russia they came from. Jughead Kushner and Princess Sparkletwat should be running to Saudi Arabia without their passports nor a dime in their pockets.

    Barron? If he’s not as tRumphy as his older brothers, maybe Tiff would take pity on him. Or the little snowflake will take refuge with the sorry Messy that birthed him. Bye little dude. Seriously run from your “daddy” and his family.

  23. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I wish more had been said on air about the insurrectionist Republicans & Senators.

  24. van heldorf says:

    Noticing the multiple attacks upon Merrick Garland for doing nothing. I’m not sure his situation is fully appreciated. Bringing charges against a potus ain’t the same as against an ordinary schmuck. The standards are exceptionally high. The dems have not had that kind of control and losing the house makes getting trump convicted even harder. Garland absolutely has to have a perfect case factually and legally as the repubs will likely resort to less than honorable tactics. My understanding even then he may not get a conviction.
    So, what does his history suggest he’ll do?

  25. Brian Eckert says:

    Politico reports:

    The Jan. 6 select committee’s last — and most important — act won’t happen in a hearing room. It will come when one of the panel’s last, beleaguered staffers hits the “publish” button on its collection of evidence compiled over 18 months of investigation, material that still remains almost entirely secret. The committee is sitting on a stockpile of nearly 1,200 witness interview transcripts and reams of hard-won documents about Donald Trump’s attempt to derail the peaceful transfer of power.

    The 160-page executive summary, which precedes a final panel report set for release as soon as Wednesday, hints at the extraordinary range of documents the committee collected. It references at least 30 “productions” of documents from various witnesses and agencies, including White House visitor logs, Secret Service radio frequencies and the Department of Labor, where then-Secretary Eugene Scalia produced a Jan. 8, 2021, memo seeking to call a Cabinet meeting to discuss the transfer of power

  26. So now it’s beat up Merrick Garland time again?

  27. From your keyboard to God’s (and DOJ’s) ears, Ms JJ!

  28. john in denver says:

    Today’s hearing was much of what I expected. As such, it reminds me of the USPS delivery of packages for the coming celebration. Still in the large box, with much to be unpacked.

    Wednesday, I expect the Committee’s report and supporting materials will actually emerge. That will be an equivalent of opening the boxes, and finding wrapped presents, heightening the expectations and perhaps able to be shaken to get a hint of the contents and what coming activities with the gift might be.

    The wrapping will stay on in this metaphor until there is some action by Congress (such as the resolution to label Trump in such a way that Amendment 14 would bar him from being a candidate) or indictments by the Department of Justice. Then, and only then, will I feel justified in celebrating.

  29. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Agree with john in denver #28 – because if the new House majority has anything to do with it, it’ll be all Hunter Biden laptop 24/7 and anything Garland does will be shouted down.

  30. IMHO, The hearings about Hunter Biden’s laptop are just the most obvious thing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s gonna be an avalanche of bullshit.
    But the thing that I can’t help but think a lot of folks are forgetting about is the conduct of repugnantcans like jim jordan in EVERY SINGLE HEARING. No matter what the hearing is ostensibly about. Badgering witnesses and fellow committee members. Endless almost-accusations they pulled outta their asses. Completely trampling parliamtary procedures by constantly interrupting, bullying, and on and on.
    We haven’t seen that nearly as much since Democrats were in the majority, because committee chairs wouldn’t allow it.
    But that’s all about to change.
    And every bit of the aforementioned behavior will be fodder for fox news.
    And that doesn’t even take into account WHAT they’re gonna hold hearings about.
    Think of every. single. thing. that repugnantcans and their propaganda machine have accused Biden of.
    Now consider that every one of them is the focus of a congressional hearing.
    Just because they can.
    And they know that nothing needs to come out of them other than the endless cycle of feeding the fox machine which in turn provides them with more things to investigate to feed to the fox machine which in turn…..
    Benghazi taught ’em that.
    I think they’re just as happy as pigs in shit that everybody’s worried about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
    Cause we ain’t seen nuthin yet.

  31. The Surly Professor says:

    The problem with all of this is that few Americans bother to read or even skim the long list of reports showing that Trump is not only a criminal but a traitor to the US. I’ve talked with students and faculty in political science who have only looked at blurbs and summaries provided by talking (and often empty) heads. Think about how many people you know personally who avail themselves of the flood of information that absolutely proves criminal activity? E.g.,

    1) How many people read the Mueller report in 2019?
    (448 pages)

    2) How many people bothered to read the “Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report”?
    (300 pages)

    3) How many read the staff report “The Trump Administration’s Unprecedented Campaign to Control CDC and Politicize Public Health During the Coronavirus Crisis”?
    (94 pages)

    … or even the publicity release about it:

    I’d like to believe the Jan 6 committee’s findings will be read or even considered by most voters … but the track record is not great. Personally I think this is the real crisis in American politics, the failure of the electorate to make use of the
    information easily and instantly available to them. This is why Barr was able to claim the Mueller Report said the opposite of what was actually in it, and not be called out for it. The US has become a TV nation, and if it won’t fit on a bumper sticker or a chevron running under Fox News or CNN, they won’t see it.

    Present company excluded, of course.

  32. When Nixon walked it set the precedent to do nothing in the way of consequences for illegal acts by the president.
    It let Reagan, George and Shrub get away with everything they did.

  33. G Foresight says:

    No matter what the hard evidence, the Rs will not pay much attention to the 1-6 report. Actually, they will *never* interpret the 1-6 report conclusions as anything but illegitimate.

    But one thing that could catch their attention is their power eroding because high-level R actors in the 1-6 insurrection actually went to prison — not just some of the “foot soldier” insurrectionists.

  34. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The next steps if Merrick Garland actually pursues these charges would include empaneling a federal grand jury. That’s required for a federal felony. R’s can’t do much about that.
    Also, I misspoke yesterday about the 4 congress critters (Biggs, Perry, Jordan and McCarthy) being named in the referrals for felonies- they were sent to the house ethics committee which of course will be poopooed by the repugnantican house in 2023. I only hope the DOJ’s investigation names some other congress critters including them.

  35. give the perps a fair trial, find them all guilty, (inc TFG) & what we all hope: lock em up!!

  36. Harry Eagar says:

    I blame Dan Inouye. It wasn’t Ford’s pardon of the easily convicted Nixon that screwed up justice-for-politicoes. It was Inouye’s decision to protect the Congress at the cost of going after Iran-Contra that ruined the Department of Justice’s prospects.

    But I think Thompson/Cheyney’s admirable performance may have reset that clock. Combined with trump’s insistence on shooting himself in the feet.

  37. The truth always wins. The consequences not so much.

  38. The Surly Professor says:

    … and our Christmas break reading list has been dropped:

    They actually made it readable, starting off on the first page with the testimony of one of the Oaf Keepers. They also seem to forestall any of the standard attacks. I recommend a good stout dark beer with a tray of snacks on the side. Or make that a tray of beer with a snack on the side.

    It’s 104 pages of meat and 50 pages of detailed references. Few academic works of research achieve a 33% ratio of citations, and it’s one of the things I look for in a work of history.

  39. The MAGAs are likely plotting as to how thery get their hands on the Executive Summary and the Report so they can have the world’s largest bonfire. Ain’t happening, MAGA folks! Too many computers and too much internet. And no, MAGA-ites, you cannot rip all this paper from anyone’s cold, dead hands!
