Your Money

December 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am at the State Democratic Executive Committee Meeting this morning in Austin. This is Glen Maxey explaining to the Texas Democrats assembled from across the state the program that was purchased by you. They were excited. Lots excited.

Beta testing will start soon. Thank you all again.


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0 Comments to “Your Money”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Proud of y’all! What is the thingy supposed to do? Is it the VAN?

  2. Thank you, JuanitaJean.

    You always keep us in the loop. I don’t get out much these days, but at the Beauty Shop I feel that I’m right in the action.

  3. I can’t donate yet, but this project is very high on my list for when my fortunes change. Good luck, Texas Dems, from the foreign city of New York!

  4. @OldMayfly – I agree. I always feel like I’m on the ground and in the action with JJ’s posts. I check into the Beauty Salon daily.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ms. J, while I hope your fortunes improve, do not doubt the power of your time devoted to spreading the word and what you can do by simply talking to people. People and blogs are more reliable for disseminating the truth than is most of the media. Comics are pretty good, too.

    True story. While Cluster Fox was busy swift boating John Kerry, I was hosting a local dinner and thanks to Cluster Fox, a few progressive people actually were against him for allegedly outing Mary Cheney. My first entry into political activism, it was a Scooby moment for me. Mary Cheney had been out so long that it was a real wtf moment. But dinner proceeded politely, after I explained that Mary had been out long before Kerry was a candidate.

    Facts and truth, Ms. J, one person and one opinion at a time we can win the truth battle in politics. Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers cannot buy an alternate reality no matter how much money and many bubble headed bleach blonds they toss at the ill informed. In fact, if they want to preserve their aging base, they might want to ease up on the Viagra and blonds.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist — Excellent, just excellent! Thanks!

  7. @PKM – Thanks for your post. Yes, I agree that spreading the word is as valuable as donating cash. I’ve been a political activist since I was 13, and I am now “older” (“older” than what, eh?) So … Many decades of activism inform my efforts even when I can’t actually drop any coin onto a project. I have a political blog which is mostly read by Americans but also read by quite a few folks in foreign countries who are interested in U.S. politics. In addition to that, I have a VERY active political Twitter account and I engage not just rank-and-file Dems/Progs, but also political heavyweights who do respond to thoughtful messages when we tweet to them. So, yeah — I hear ya. What JJ and others do to spread the word is very necessary and valuable, and each of us can contribute to the cause by investing some time discussing the issues with others online or in person. We can never underestimate the need for voter education in this country.

  8. And JJ, you really do need to tweet more. Twitter is the fastest way to spread news now. It leaves Facebook in the dust. I sometimes link to your posts from my Twitter account, but if you tweet them we can retweet them very quickly and get the news out there fast, especially with so much going on in Texas these days, i.e., Gov and Senate races.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Well, there’s a lady running for the U.S. Senate in Texas. What all Dems are in the primaries for U.S. Senate?

  10. @Marge – Politics1 is a good resource for locating candidates and races. Go about 1/4 page down to see U.S. Senate candidates for Texas:

  11. @Marge – Maxey Scherr is the Dem U.S. Senate candidate that JJ recommended in a previous post this month:
