Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

June 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When I first read this blog entry, I thought it was satire.

I’m real, real, terribly afraid it’s not.  It’s a rightwinger explaining how the Supreme Court decision is the most evil thing to ever happen on the planet earth and how Obama engineered it.

Someone got to Roberts.  I bet they got to him and told him he has to vote this way or members of his family – kids, wife, parents, whoever – were going to be killed.

Later this afternoon, it’s going to come out that Roberts was coerced.  A Secret Service agent overheard Obama and Axelrod discussing the Roberts blackmail.  He managed to get them on tape discussing it.  Later this afternoon, the whole story will come out, Roberts will issue his REAL opinion, and Obama and Axelrod will be taken away in handcuffs.

When my son is my age, will he be able to call the doctor and go see him?

How can I protect myself from the government?  Isn’t there some way I can hide from them?

This blogger goes by the name Harry, which rhymes with Scary.  I admit that it scares me that this man is allowed to drive a car, but it is totally unacceptable that he is allowed to have children.

Republicans:  where the sanity ends but the fun begins.

Louie Gohmert: That human events thing.

And then there’s everybody’s favorite Congresscritter – Louie Gohmert, who got downright frothy-mouthed yesterday and let his tongue get ahead of his brain until everything stopped and there was a charming crash of epic proportions. Reacting to the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, he began …

“When in the course of human events it becomes clear that you have people who will not follow the law, it’s time to use orderly methods set forth in the Constitution to remove them from their offices, and get people who will abide by their oaths,” Gohmert said.

When in the course of human events?  Damn, Louie has been listening to his revolutionary tapes again.

And then Preacher Gohmert got to rolling on the River Jordan.

Addressing the crowd, Gohmert called on God to ”work with those who are so ignorant that they continue to support and love the liars that misrepresented things to get this bill passed.”

Oh crap, wait until Louie finds out about Harry’s information.

Thanks to David and Ralph for the heads up.

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