Your Daily Rick

August 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy cow!  Did you know that one of the grand jurors on the Rick Perry indictment is a Democrat and attended the State Democratic Convention?  Well, there ya go – proof this is political.

One of the 12 grand jurors is a certified Democrat and everybody knows that Democrats cannot be fair.

Jonathan Turley almost has a heart attack about it because while at the state convention the grand juror had her picture taken with State Senator Kirk Watson, who was called to testify before the grand jury.  Turley also feels it is necessary to print her name and her Facebook page.  That’ll show those damn Democrats to keep their noses out of government.

Turley, who is decidedly blowing the top off the idiot scale, speculated that the grand juror and Watson even discussed the case while at the state convention.

She was also photographed with Democratic state Sen. Kirk Watson, a witness. It is not known if she discussed the matter with him.

Turley, you need slapping.  You really do.  In Texas, you can go to prison for discussing grand jury information.  You are accusing a woman you do not know and a respected state senator of committing a serious crime.

TurleySomebody forgot to tell Turley that it takes nine votes to indict, not one.  Turley, who is a big city boy, doesn’t understand that in small Texas towns – like the one I live in – it’s reasonable and likely for you to personally know every witness before a grand jury you’re serving on.  Been there, done that myownself.

Plus, Turley does not know if this woman did, in fact, recuse herself.  That information is also secret.

You know, it peeves the hell out of me that people like Turley hold Texas grand jurors to a higher standard of impartiality than they do Supreme Court justices.  Scalia and Thomas don’t recuse themselves on highly political matters. Ever. Trump that, Turley.

Turley needs to read Wayne Slater, a Texan, this morning.  And so should you.


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