Your Daily Louie

May 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Congress held a hearing on climate change and Louie Gohmert was delighted to be able to question one of the 3% of scientists who don’t think climate change is real. John Christy at the University of Alabama at Huntsville testified that humans are not causing climate change.

Well, boy howdy!, Louie jumped on that like white on rice.

His voice a’quiver with pure delight to be able to show off his book learning to a fancy college professor, Louie cleared his throat and began …

You ever feel like Galileo? You remember Galileo? The overwhelming amount of science was against Galileo, and the other side of this got money from the Church, they got money from the government from their research opposing Galileo, and yet Galileo was right.

Well, no.  Actually, NO is more correct.

Science was on Galileo’s side.  And let me see here, who exactly is on the church’s side because I forget …

galileoHowever, instead of getting money from the church, this inquisition gets money from big oil.  So, Louie actually got all this reversed. However, it is said that he pronounced Galileo’s name correctly.  He’s got that going for him.

Yes, they said Galileo was crazy.  You know who else they said was crazy, Louie?  Crazy people.

But, thank for trying, Louie. We did get value for our entertainment dollar.  Maybe next you’ll explain one of Newton’s laws for us.  Hey, I’ll buy a ticket for that.

Thanks to Tina for the heads up.

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