You Want a Gown? We’ve Got Gowns.
This is how bad it is. Trump will lie about stuff that doesn’t matter worth the spit on a postage stamp.
Trump told The New York Times early Monday that D.C. shops have been selling out of gowns, with big numbers expected at the inaugural festivities — in particular, celebrities.
Okay, let me say something here. “Celebrities” do not buy their gowns in Washington, DeeCee. I myself, just a minor celebrity, have been to inaugurations and I bought my gown in my hometown. I suspect celebrities do the same thing.
But, it’s sillier than that.
People Magazine, who are the recognized expert in these areas, called a few dress shops in DeeCee.
“No, we’re not sold out,” Mae Shipe, owner of the D.C. Mae’s Dress Boutique, told PEOPLE. “We have 200 dresses, if not more, in stock.”
Not only, it seems, are dresses in stock, but people aren’t flocking to the stores to pick them up, either.
“We have not gotten a huge influx of traffic specifically related to shopping for inaugural dresses,” Anastasia Thomas, an employee at Betsy Fisher, a D.C. women’s wear shop, said.
In fact, Peter Marx, owner of Saks Jandel, a D.C. area boutique, told PEOPLE that there have been fewer people seeking inaugural gowns.
“There’s never been less demand for inaugural ballgowns in my 38 years,” Marx told PEOPLE.
Give it up, Donald. No celebrities are coming to your inauguration. Hell, you’ve got Kid Rock, Gary Busey, the Duck dudes, and two members of the Rockettes. Enjoy!