You Wanna Know How Much The Rightwing Hates Obama?

October 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I will tell you how much.

They are spreading a story that makes Hillary Clinton look like the real hero of the bin Laden take down.  They would rather make Hillary look good than President Obama, and Lord Have Mercy!, they hate Hillary.

The decision to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and kill him was made without President Obama – and actually was kept from him until after the helicopters already were in Pakistani airspace – according to a new report from a retired major general who cites a senior intelligence source.

The raid was handled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta and others in this way because Obama had vetoed multiple earlier opportunities to attack the man behind the 9/11 terror attacks, the report said.

The report comes from U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who retired in 1993 as deputy commanding general, Pacific Command, and has served as a senior military analyst for Fox News. He is now chairman of Stand Up America, which calls itself the standard bearer for the conservancy of the U.S. Constitution.

Okay, Paul Vallely, who hasn’t been in the military in 20 damn years and is a birther, would not be stable even if you mounted him on a tripod.

He is calling President Obama “oblivious” even though Obama does not even own a copy of My Pet Goat.

“This tremendously serious and sensitive information was relayed by a source who has been very frustrated with the continued dishonesty within the White House,” Vallely reported.

Yeah, right.  And the source speaks to Vallely in voices no one else hears.

Thanks to Barbara N for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You Wanna Know How Much The Rightwing Hates Obama?”

  1. Anthony Lopez says:

    History GOP style always subject to change.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. Where does he get his information?

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    They’re so desperate they are giving the credit to Hillary? Remember how badly these misanthropes disparaged her over the years? I think we should all be scared of how badly these people want to win.

  4. TexasEllen says:

    These folks are just freaking despair inducing. They don’t believe Hillary or Leon who give credit to Obama for the decision, but insist that Hillary and Leon did the deed.

  5. What do they say about Robert Gates, who is a Republican the last time I checked? He said the President’s decision was the guttiest one he ever saw. I think Vallely (I won’t digniify him by using his title) better avail himself of some of that good medical attention we taxpapers provide to his sorry ass. (Sorry, Mama, but I wanted to say worse.)

  6. trixicopper says:

    So, according to this fool, the military does NOT follow the orders of the “Commander in Chief” but runs around the world doing what ever it wants to? This would be a good thing how?

  7. I don’t think you know what your talking about. You just want to yammer to make your friends think you do

  8. I suppose this is a tiny improvement over giving the credit to Dubya. Or to Reagan.

  9. Hillary has been a great Secretary of State. I am pretty sure she would know better than do this kind of thing without the President’s OK.

    June, it’s OK to use his correct title – Fox News Employee. (I know you were talking about the military title, but FNE is closer to the core of the man).

  10. Do you know Obama called back the Osama mission 4 or 5 times?

    My answer? It doesn’t matter if he called it back 23 times, had to consult with his wife’s hairdresser ( bonus points!), the Yankee’s bullpen, and an astrologer, he got it done. More than Mitt and Bush/Chaney did.

  11. The other day my neighbor tried to convince me that Barack was BLAMING Hillary for the Libya riots and the killing of our people over there! I told her to not come to my house with that crap! But, she kept yapping on and on and I finally had enough and actually told her “… this conversation is over with.” I did a search on-line and come to find out, good ole idiot Bill O’Reilly was saying the President was blaming Hillary for all that!

    This is just more of their everyday crappola!

  12. Whaaat???? Thought Romney was the one that “got” Bin Laden? Does this mean that they will support Hillary in 2016?

  13. Mary Ramos says:

    Can you spell “Swift Boat”?

  14. Well, this is kind of a natural follow-on from the books calling Obama’s mother a fat whore, now, isn’t it.

  15. Then, WHO murdered Vince Foster? OMGZ and OHNOES~gawd, these people literally make me ill.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    Let’s see, the dude retired in 1993 yet is privy to top secret communications? Yeah, right, and I am the queen of France.

  17. Given how many retired generals & colonels get paid big bucks for their “opinions” on teevee, our military is actually run by guys like them. Now THAT is a scary thought!

  18. Vallely gets his information from the lower end of his alimentary canal.

  19. I am betting that the “Deep Throat” is the same source that told Harry Reid Mitt paid zero taxes for ten years.

  20. Laura Ingram is now trying to get folks to picket Susan Rice’s house, as well as Hillary Clinton’s. I thought the US Ambassador to the UN had living quarters at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC. Maybe that has changed. I dunno.

    Anyway, I would love the know-nothings to try and picket Hillary’s house in DC. Trust me on this–my Bubba and I were so distraught on the first inauguration day for W that we spent it walking over to where Hillary had just bought a house to live in while she was in the Senate and still lives in while Secretary of State. It is a dead-end street (and she lives at the dead-end part of it). The Italian Embassy is at the beginning of the street and the Danish (or maybe the Netherlands) Embassy is right across the street from her house. And, oh by the way, her backyard backs up against the backyard of the British Embassy. For real. In other words, this street could be blocked-off in a heartbeat and any fool who got caught there without permission would be trapped. That’s why there have been NO demonstrations in front of Hillary’s house in the past twelve years. None. Nada.

    The woman is nobody’s fool.
