You May All Go To Hell, Paul Chabot Is Going To Texas
After losing his Tennessee bid for the Congress, Davy Crockett angrily shouted, “You may all to go to hell. I’m going to Texas.”
And today we have Paul Chabot, who after losing a California congressional bid by 11 percentage points (it was his second such loss), packed it all in and moved to McKinney, Texas, which is in Collin County, north of Dallas.
Chabot thinks he’s in the holy land, and he wants to make money off of it. The LA Times went to talk to him.
“It’s like living a dream,” he said as he steered his golf cart down his cul-de-sac on a muggy afternoon recently, past large brick homes decorated with American flags and meticulously trimmed lawns. “You don’t see graffiti. You don’t see gang members, or police helicopters circling the neighborhood.”
So, he set up a company called Conservative Move and “Helping families move Right” is the slogan. Chabot is trying to get conservative Californians to move to Texas to … I dunno, have a better white life? Oops, I mean right life. (I gotta remember to call the dogs with my whistle.)
I just don’t know if Chabot picked the right place. Collin County went red the exact same time that Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Within one election, they went from voting 70% Democratic to 36% Democratic.
However, they are losing their edge.
In fact, Democrats are targeting Collin County next year because it looks like we can flip a couple of state house seats there.
Poor Paul Chabot. Democracy and Democrats spread like wildfire and Dallas County, which is decidedly blue, is right underneath him, so bless his heart, he is literally on the hot seat. Ironically enough, the Collin County Democratic Chairman said the latest Democratic gains are due to the “Californiazation of Texas.” Thanks, Chabot!
So, Chabot took it one step further. He recently open a new SUPER-PAC called Keep Texas Red.
Oh Lord, he’s gonna be sending us more Californians. After their first summer here, they will all go to Chabot’s air conditioned house and whine.
And if Chabot wants to follow in the path of Davy Crockett, he needs to remember how Crockett ended up.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.