You Lost. Get Over It. Lee Surrendered to Grant.

July 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, just because Grant gave Lee his sword back should not encourage you to start fighting again.

Michael Peroutka, a Republican nominee for city council in Maryland attended a League of the South convention in Alabama and was one of the key speakers.  The League of the South is a secessionist group.  Peroutka also serves on the Maryland Republican Central Committee.

Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 10.44.09 AMPeroutka generated controversy after winning the GOP nomination because he believes that the current U.S. and state governments are no longer valid, and should be destroyed by secession or other means.

“You need to secede and then you need to have the biblical understanding of law and government, and make the applications,” Peroutka told the League of the South in 2012. “So we need to take the biblical understand of law and government into account no matter what the outcome is with respect to the crumbling of the current regime.”

Translation:  There is a black man in the White House, dammit.

And then, to make his loyalties perfectly clear…

At the conclusion of his nearly hour-long talk, Peroutka asked the audience to rise and sing the “national anthem.”

But instead of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” Peroutka led them to sing “Dixie,” the de facto anthem of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Look away Dixieland, my big blue butt.  I know treason when I see it.

There’s a phrase among real Americans in the South that means somebody is just goofing off, being lazy, and not accomplishing anything:  They are “whistling Dixie.”  If someone says, “You ain’t just whistling Dixie,” that means they are getting important work done or that they have spoken the truth.

Take heed, League of the South.  You’re whistling Dixie.



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