You Know Who I Won’t Miss?

June 05, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Chuck Todd, that’s who.

Todd was not a journalist, reporter, or fact finder.  He let both sides say outrageous things, lie, and deny reality and then congratulated himself on presenting both sides.

Vanna White could have done a better job.

Chuck Todd wasted the slot supposedly intended for truth-finding and replaced it with letter turning.  “Okay, there are 2 Ms in the puzzle.  Do you want to take a guess?”

You know, I screamed obscenities at him but he just kept breathing and that’s about all he ever did.

I wonder if Vanna is looking for work.  I think she could be trained.

Chuck, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.


0 Comments to “You Know Who I Won’t Miss?”

  1. Bob Boland says:

    Oooooh! Is Chuckie retiring/being bumped upstairs? I deliberately avoid any mention of him anywhere.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Let’s just hope that nobody else chucktodds like Chuck Todd did.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Amen Sister Juanita Jean!

  4. fenway fran says:

    This was right up there in the best news of the week category. Could not stand that man. Didn’t care for his predecessor much either. Tim Russert set a high bar.

  5. Agree totally……wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

  6. Sarah O says:

    Glad to see Chuckles go. Will replacement Welker be any better? She underwhelms me a bit.

  7. Sandridge says:

    As bad as Chuckles was, Tim Russert was even worse.
    Both were complete tools of the Rethuglikan establishment, their shows’ production always slanted rightward [of course the producers share the blame]. Always softballing the R guests, never asking the obvious follow-up questions to the lying and diversionary tactics of the Rethugs. Being quite ruthless on any Democrat though.

    Was glad to see St. Russert go, the same with Todd.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Bets as to when MSNBC has their going away party for him? My bet is the day following Chuck’s departure. Also 9-1 odds on Chuck’s beard asking for asylum.

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    I haven’t watched in years since we cut the cord. The trouble with the MSM is that it has misunderstood its job. They think they need as many walks as strikeouts when they are supposed to call balls and strikes. If some pitchers continually throw it in the dirt you call it that way so they can be pulled for a better pitcher. The umps (press) are propping up too many of these guys and gals by calling some of those balls in the dirt strikes to “keep it balanced”. In reality, some pitchers just suck.

  10. Teh Gerg says:

    Bye-bye, UpChucky. You won’t be missed.

  11. I am used to calling “Meet the Press”, “Meet Chuck Todd”. While the old 4 panelists on 1 interviewee format was not any better, I’d prefer a rotation and/or more than one host.

  12. What Sandridge @ 8 said!

  13. Yikes! I’ve seen some film of how other countries produce anything similar to Meet The Press. Invariably a show could start and end with violence of anywhere between language and someone actually trying to through a genuine punch. Its rather like Jerry Springer goes international. Let’s see how a woman handles this. First of all, is she going to keep any or all of the usual panelists. How would she handle them? Victorian governess or dominatrix? Tune in and find out!

  14. Thanks JJ and everyone for fun comments and links! Never watch the show but still won’t miss his right wing propaganda think tank, both siderism, and ‘I’m so smart’ smirk.
    Wanna bet his hard hitting, letter turning journalism shows up on Fox ‘Hate’ News.

  15. SteveTheReturned says:

    I am OVERJOYED at Todd’s departure. It is way, way, WAY overdue.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT, but anyone else bothered by Musk’s ties to Saudi Arabia in the purchase of Twitter, and probably a lot more? I hadn’t followed his ties until I read and heard the news stories about it this morning. I’m not fan of him and long ago ruled out ever supporting any of his businesses, but this is another level of bad. Same with the Trumpf family and now with the PGA. They’re all now “owned” by the Saudis (in my younger years I was an avid golfer and fan- no more).
    I’m guessing if these subjects ever came up on the Todd show, he’d both sides again.

  17. Hahaha, fell the love!
    Katy Tur calls BS on whatever both siderism crap that Toadie and Andrea Mitchell was trying to serve.

    video at link below …

    “No one woke up today and suddenly realized Trump was dangerous. They’ve know it all along. They said so as early as 2015.”

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    In other news, word is the indictment against trumpf in the classified documents case is going to be made public tomorrow. And in a double whammy on TFFG, Mark Meadows is pleading guilty in a deal to testify against his former (crime) boss. Yippee

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Well, it’s official that the trumpf is indicted on in 7 counts in his mishandling of classified documents. Look for repugnantican heads to explode.

  20. LOCK HIM UP!!
    Seize his passports!

    Book him Jacko and Merricko!

    Yeeehaa! This is just the beginning for the Mango Moron and his Crime Family. Maybe even a bunch of the other criminal Rethug class.

    But the MAGAots are reacting in a frenzy. Look out libruls.
    I hope that y’all are armed to the teeth. I am, and in my neighborhood I don’t stand a chance, but I’ll take a bunch of MAGAots with me if provoked.

  21. Another link well worth reading, just for the quotes alone; but the rest is vg too :

  22. Michael from Kansas says:

    Glad to see Chuckles go, but the correct replacement should have been Nicole Wallace or Stephanie Ruhle. Someone who’s able to call BS and not afraid to ask probing questions.
