You Know Who Donald Trump Hates Worse Than Democrats? Republicans. That’s Who.
Okay, so Donald Trump got drunk and lost in New Mexico. I figure he thought it was Old Mexico and so he had to slam somebody, anybody, in government.
I know! Let’s pick someone with a Hispanic name. Trump hates those people. And if it is a woman, that’s even better because a woman is trying to keep him out of the White House.
Okay, so that narrows it down. A female with a Hispanic name in government … hum.
I guess nobody bothered to tell him that New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez is a Republican.
During a 65-minute speech in Albuquerque last night, Donald Trump laced into New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. He blamed her for the state’s economic problems, for the growing number of food stamp recipients and for not doing more to reject Syrian refugees. The billionaire even mused about moving to the state to run for governor himself.
Now I’m not saying that uniting the GOP might be kinda hard for Trump. Honey, I’m saying that man is a bomb thrower.
The Washington Post is having a conniption about it.
I’m not. Although I am not a fan of Gov. Martinez, if Trump wants to keep offending women in general and Hispanics in specific, I’m enjoying it.
Thanks to Paul for the heads up.