You Know The World Is Coming To An End When John Bolton Is The Hero

October 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Women continue the pearl parade before congress, and things are not looking too good for the Trumpster in the Dumpster.

I guess my favorite part came from Fiona Hill yesterday.

Fiona Hill, Trump’s former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, testified yesterday that then-national security adviser John Bolton told her to notify the NSC’s chief lawyer about a rogue effort by EU ambassador Gordon Sondland, Rudy Giuliani and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, the N.Y. Times reports.

“I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up,” Bolton instructed Hill to tell White House lawyers, according to the Times.

“Giuliani’s a hand grenade who’s going to blow everybody up,” Hill, during 9+ hours behind closed doors at the House Intelligence Committee, quoted Bolton as saying.

Bolton better hide behind his mustache because he’s gonna wake up with a horse’s head in his bed.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You Know The World Is Coming To An End When John Bolton Is The Hero”

  1. Bolton was always smarter than Rump. And now we know there were things not even Bolton would do for Rump.

    Good. I wanna hear him sing at the deposition.

  2. But in the mean time, Bolton needs bullet proof armor and a safe, secure place to hide. I wouldn’t trust anyone if I were him.

  3. Well, O>M>G! Who wudda thunk it!

  4. Bolton’s a war-mongering asshole, and he’s not all that bright, but he’s smart enough to know he doesn’t want to go to jail.

  5. if his orangeness ends up in the big house in ny for tax evasion, money landering + otherstuff , i for one would love to see an evaluation by a REAL MD foot/joint expert to determine if there ever was “bone spurrs”

  6. Frank @ 5,

    How about a psychiatrist to verify that he’s a certified bat guano psycho?

  7. This Administration has achieved the impossible, it has made Bush look competent, Bolton look principled and Cohen look reasonable. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder, they pull a trifecta!

  8. When Trump said he would get “the best people” in his administration, we now know it was a steeply sliding scale. The only requirement for “best,” was slightly better than Trump himself.

  9. Sandridge says:

    ‘Stache Bolton never did get his war with Iran, but…
    The Kurds have been forced by Comrade Trump’s “knife in the back” to form an uneasy alliance with Syria to defend the Syrian northern border with Turkey against the ongoing Turkish invasion [despite Turkey being a NATO member, they precisely shelled around some US military bases, as a ‘message from Erdogan’].

    Meanwhile, Syria, Russia, and Iran have a solid alliance, and Putin is making a showy victory lap of visits to various Middle Eastern capitols and leaders right focking now!

    Oh yeah, one more thing–
    In the precipitous, ignominious, and very hurried retreat of US Special Forces from their long established bases in northern Syria [on Dear Comrade’s ‘orders’], our soldiers left behind huge quantities of base equipment, which cost US taxpayers millions of dollars. Things like airstrips, hangars, housing, power generation, maintenance facilities, etc.
    Russian and Syrian military forces have now moved comfortably into those former US bases
    –let that sink in–
    focking RUSSIAN soldiers are now using USA military base infrastructure and equipment. Paid for by us, without them paying a single ruble for it, or even a kopek! There may even be Iranian forces operating there.

    All because we have a treasonous son of a bitch, squatting in OUR goddamned White House, who is wholly owned and operated by Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin; and a Comrade who slavishly obeys his masters.

    We cannot afford much more of this craven bullshit.


  10. Sandridge @ 9,

    Not mention we left Nookular warheads behind, now being held hostage by Erdogan. Trump is a dumb ass and got played like a fiddle.

    All of this sh!t going on and yet we hear only crickets from the GOP. They’re ALL treasonous S.O.B.s. because they knew and enabled it with their silence.

  11. No way Bolton is going to dive on *that* live grenade to save BLOATUS’ @$$…

  12. Sandridge says:

    Papa @10, Those US noowks are actually still quite secure at our Incirlik base in southern Turkey.
    It is one of the most secure, well defended places on Earth, the Turks nor anyone else are going to get their paws on anything within Incirlik…
    UNLESS it is betrayed from ‘within’ [and you can guess that POSOTUS might screw that pooch too].
    And those nukes could be evacuated pretty quickly if needed…
    Maybe, y’all know how anything involving Comrade DJT devolves into a shitstorm…

  13. Three points here:
    1] Putin sure got his money’s worth.
    2] That MIGHT be coming to an end. Now that a couple of folks defied Trump and the rest didn’t see them vanish in a puff of smoke, the flood gates are gonna open and EVERYTHING is going to come out.
    Sure, Trump could kill a whole herd of horses to create occupants of their beds — but that’s ALL he’s capable of doing. He can’t follow the threats with action because he doesn’t know how to do anything more than threaten and bluster and DC is finally cottoning onto that fact. Aamof, it could now become a point of honor for a Trump-tweet to be aimed in one’s direction.
    3] None of that matters in the Dictator Department. The strong men of the world have benefited from the White House Occupant’s actions and there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle.

  14. Bolton ain’t no hero. He should have reported
    it himself and volunteered to testify to Congress

  15. Sandridge says:

    Like I wrote above, an even worse example [poorly written, link below]:
    We’re even spending money on DESTROYING our own left behind junk!

    We left behind an ammunition cache [and/or more?] in the rush to ‘obey’ Der Fuhrer’s orders to abandon the peacekeeping mission and hastily retreated, leaving behind millions of dollars of military equipment.
    Now we’ve tasked some [expensive] air bombing missions to attempt to neutralize these valuable jettisoned military assets.
    The missions of course are triply dangerous from a week ago for the crews because the area is now wide open to the many factions and forces now active; including an expanded Russian and Iranian presence.

    Comrade Donnei sure is a fucking “stable genius” in military and diplomatic affairs, yes he is…
