You Know The Old Saying About Don’t Kick a Man When He’s Down? Forget That.

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joan Walsh over at Salon is taking a bubble bath in Republican implosion froth.  I’m fixing to jump in with her.

Come find out, Dana Loesch is suing the Breitbart people, Dick Armey is leading an armed coup, Boehner can’t stand up to the Tea party Storm Troopers, Karl Rove is getting persnickety with Fox News, Grover Norquist is becoming a punch line, and Wayne LaPierre is … well, freekin’ goofy in public.

As Democrats, it is in our nature to help people.  Resist that. Seriously.  Just damn resist it.

Remember what Grover Norquist wanted to do to government?  That’s what needs to be done to the Republican Party.  Drown that sucker in its own river of rot.

Personally, I’m starting a rumor campaign that Mitch McConnell called John Boehner “The Chancellor of Chicken Cheetos.”

Honey, if the Republicans are in meltdown mode, I’m gonna be the first person there with a turbo hair dryer set on Ouch Hot.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You Know The Old Saying About Don’t Kick a Man When He’s Down? Forget That.”

  1. When it comes to dealing with the R’s, I believe in the old Soap Creek Saloon security motto
    “Show no mercy, take no prisoners”

  2. Aghast Independent says:

    Perhaps Dana Loesch is finally figuring out just what the Uber-Right REALLY thinks about women in the work force. Seems to me her own party and the Breitbart folks wants to keep her barefoot and in the kitchen………..
    And then she turns to all those lawyers and activist judges and lawsuits the Right hates so much to get her way???

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

  3. scottybeamer says:

    My two limericks for LaPierre:
    1. There’s the crazy old man La Pierre,
    Anti gun laws he thinks are not fair,
    But he’s obviously not counting,
    ‘Cause the killings keep mounting,
    With criminals he just loves to share.

    2. There’s a crazy old man, La Pierre,
    He thinks his pronouncements are all fair,
    But his ideas are quite kooky,
    and he’s just down right spooky!
    Not much more of him can we bear.

  4. Schadenfreude, it’s what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  5. Ewwww. The image of taking a bubble bath in R froth – not good. Soap bubbles clean you – implosion froth would burn like acid.

  6. Oh, they’ll undo their own selves. Just go get your toenails painted and play some after Christmas music and share all those bizarre stories which happen to be true and you don’t even have to tell anyone your opinion, not if they know you. Just make sure they know Santa wasn’t shot, just handcuffed. I don’t know which story this week is more bizarre, the arrested Santa or the strip search on the highway, oh there’s others too. Just blow on your nails and pass the stories. You know that beauty salons are the center of the liberal universe.

  7. And don’t forget Crapo, the drinking Mormon. That little episode makes me rethink the strategy of automatically identifying the Mormon in the crowd as the designated driver!

  8. Maybe we should all send them a little piece of rope so we can be sure they’ll have enough.

  9. gabberflasted says:

    I know the Feds have the ‘Most Wanted’ list. Perhaps they could supply us with a ‘Most Unwanted List.’
    As my Mother used to say, ‘they would puke a maggot off a gut wagon.’

  10. Speaking of Crapo: The Daily Kos picked up a line in a story about his arrest for DUI that mentioned the Senate had recessed THE WEEK BEFORE the arrest. Which raises the question: Why the hell was he still in the DC area, when his wife and family were in Idaho and it was the Christmas season? I smell a mistress, or something equally nefarious.

  11. Dana honey, when you lie down with snakes, you can’t be shocked when you get bit!

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Boehner, upon hearing McConnell’s epithet replied “I know you are but what am I?”

  13. If more of these pundits would do what Joan Walsh does, we might actually get the truth out – Joan consistently calls them LIARS, because they are – GRIFTERS because they are, HYPOCRITES, because they are….you get the picture, Joan is one of my heroines along with the patrons of the Beauty Salon.

  14. Lorraine in Spring says:

    All I can say is, Santa must have thought Dems were especially good this year ’cause he gave us the well deserved, long time coming Repub implosion.

    Merry Cliffmas, everyone!

  15. A lot of people think the Religious Right/Wall Street alliance cannot last. Every time the Dems do well we hear that the RR/WS marriage will end. I have been hearing this for 20 years. It would be great if that happened. But it seems that all that ever happens is the religious nutcases get even wackier and the checks from Wall Street get even bigger.

    I thought Christine O’Donnell saying she’s not a witch was as far as the conservative zoo would go. I thought, “What could be crazier than that?” But 2 or 3 guys making asinine comments about sexual assault might be it.

    Combine that with Repubs being against their own policies the minute Obama thinks they are a good idea, and frankly I think hoping that the Republican Party with suffer Death From Insanity is a false hope. I think there really is no limit to how crazy these guys can get.

  16. Joan Walsh does call people out sometimes. She also froths over everything the President does that is not exactly to her liking. She was one of the people telling people to stay home in 2010 because her feelings were hurt and that didn’t serve us very well. It served her well, because it kept the page views coming. Walsh is alright, sometimes, but she isn’t even close to being my hero.

  17. There is nothing fiercer than a Mad Juanita Jean with a hair dryer in her hand!
    Y’all let me know when it’s safe to come out, don’t want to get caught in the crossfire!

  18. Sam in Kyle says:

    I would like to offer my GOP friends a 12 Step Program….off an eleven step pier.


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