You Know The Fort Bend County Guy I Told You Was a Thug, a Silent Partner to Felony Voter Fraud, and Liar? Well, You Can Add Prince of Goofy to That.

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Miller, bless his heart.  Poor guy has no idea what political office his wife is making him run for.

So, he’s running for the State House and he’s going to “Fight to repeal Obamacare”?  Shadowboxing, maybe? Does this guy have any idea what State Reps do for a living?

And then he starts totally bashing Rick Perry and the Republican dominated Texas State House by saying that there’s wasteful spending he can fix.

And then, most fun of all, he says he’s going to run government like a business, a theory that has failed so many times that you’d think even idiots would stop saying it.  Plus, what business are you going to run it like?  Enron?  And, this man has never had a job off the government teat in his whole life.  Oh sure, he founded a consulting company run out of his house, but that sucker was a failure.

He’s against a state income tax.  Whoop te do.  So is his opponent.  Why didn’t he add, “I am strongly opposed to murdering your grandmother.”

I have a question.  What’s going to happen if he’s elected and gets indicted for driving the get-away car in felony voter fraud?  Yeah, Rick, got a business plan for that?

Bozo.  Mean bozo.

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