You Know Ted Cruz’s Dad? His Pants Are On Fire.

October 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, well, well, it seems like the senior Cruz, who believes his son is the fulfillment of prophecy, lies about his background.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 10.29.49 AMAnd the man who is essentially an itinerant preacher appears to have wildly exaggerated his ministerial credentials. Consider the Rev. Rafael B. Cruz’s frequently cited biography, as it appears on the Great American Speakers booking website.

He led people to believe that he was associated with Benny Hinn, the faith healer. Suzanne Hinn says no.

He says he’s pastor at a church in Dallas but the church doesn’t know that.

He says he studied at the Advanced Bible College, a place that doesn’t exist.

The Kingdom Translations Services he claims to own is just him.  It’s located at an apartment in Dallas.  His apartment.

Now I know it seems weird and maybe even heretical for a man of God to lie about what he does all day and night.  He’s going to hell, y’all.


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0 Comments to “You Know Ted Cruz’s Dad? His Pants Are On Fire.”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Like Father, like son. Ted Cruz goes around telling people he loves America! These boys have a real problem with truth.

  2. Many resumes are spun or embellished. In my experience it is rare to find a resume pulled from one’s imagination with little to no connection to reality. Soooo what was he REALLY doing while he wasn’t associated with Benny Hill, uhh I mean Hinn? And while he wasn’t the pastor of a church in Dallas cause the church doesn’t exist, except possibly in his mind?
    And Advanced Bible College? (May I demand he produce a transcript and dozens of fellow students who recollect his attendance therein????) May we see some of the good work produced by Kingdom Translations Services??? Do they translate Klingon or Vulcan? Or Canadian?

  3. publius balonius says:

    Sheesh! What a wanker, nimrod, eejit. Take your pick. No one on earth more gullible than a pious Super-Deluxe delusionist. That’s how the flim-flam works so well.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Where have you been Daffy Cruz, Sr.? Please don’t be shy, sir. Do all of us a big favor and plant a big wet Judas kiss on your son, Daffy Jr. Give him your best hug and drag him down into your lair and off our political stage. tia

  5. Biggomama says:

    Never thought I’d feel sorry for hell, howsomever, could ya rush it up a little Belzebub?

  6. Facts? Why is everyone so concerned about facts? A conservative God doesn’t care about facts as long as you say Jesus every 5th word and the money keeps rollin in.

  7. Maybe he should go to hell just for siring Ted Cruz. Or maybe that’s where he came from in the first place in order to sire Ted Cruz.

    Nah– that’s giving both of them more attention than they deserve.

  8. Popi, esta demente?

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    No, Papi no esta demente. Papi esta criminale.

  10. Micr, I think it was Benny Hill. He spelled it wrong.

  11. Jack Patterson says:

    Now I know why ted lies so much. He’s a Republican AND rafael’s son!

  12. Linda, es verdad!

  13. At I’ve tried to separate all the guys named Rafael Cruz in the immigration records. There are many of them, but most came over the border from Mexico and none of them fit the age/country questions. I’m still wondering how he got into the country.

    There is a Rafael Cruz at UT but in the one picture I found he looked too old to be “that” Cruz. So, could he have lied about being a student from Cuba because there was one Rafael Cruz enrolled at UT?

  14. And, just think, many right-wing Christians are wondering why more Americans are refusing to be affiliated with Christian organizations! Those like Rafael Cruz is the reason. Our young citizens can smell BS from 10 miles away and have decided they will have nothing to do with the likes of Palin, Robertson, Huckabee, and others who use religion as a means to increase their wealth and draw attention to themselves.

  15. Sandridge says:

    “He’s going to hell, y’all.”
    May The Debbil make the Rev. Rafael a bunkmate with Fidel, RSN.

    I’ve known a few Cubans, both asylum refugees (professionals) and citizens/nationals (*true tale below); all were good, decent people.

    The Rev. Rafael Cruz spends a lot of time ‘evangelizing’ at small Texas venues (and I assume elsewhere).
    He’s packed ’em in at our local small town S. TX municipal civic center (heavily taxpayer subsidized). With saturation pre-promos from our local far-RW rag, he pulls the Repidiots & teabaggers in for a rousing ‘come to Jeebus n’ Ted’ meetin’.

    * Tale: Ex and I were on vacation trip to the Yucatan, with slightly more than year old daughter (now 30something).
    When I told this to her recently (with slight spin, heheh), daughter was absolutely horrified!
    On one of our (grueling) excursions to various Mayan sites, we wanted to climb one more pyramid. Ex had struck a conversation with a Cuban tourist couple (Drs), somehow?? they offered to hold/babysit baby.
    So baby was handed over to, OMFG!, Commie CUBANS, with supplies, off we went up the pyramid. Waved to them from the top, took pics; got back down (~1hour+), no prob.
    Of course I spun the story to the point that daughter was blubbering ‘that OMG, I could have been abducted, and raised in Commie Cuba’! Well, yeah, maybe, but one makes judgements about people and we trusted them (although ‘young and stupid’ don’t cut it anymore).

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Oh come on, now. He has a home business: Translation. I don’t feel inclined to ask him to translate anything but what’s wrong with a home business?
