You Know How It Is …

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… when a song gets in your head and you can’t stop humming it all day long?  And it makes you crazy but you can’t stop it?

Obamacare.  Same deal.  Republicans only, though.

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 1.03.58 PMThe Tennessee lawmaker who compared Obamacare’s individual mandate to Nazis deporting Jews to concentration camps thinks his critics missed the point.

State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) caused a stir Monday morning when he wrote on his personal blog that “Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory sign ups for ‘train rides’ for Jews in the 40s.”

To his credit, Campfield later added that his statement was misconstrued and he didn’t mean it the Nazi way at all.  Not at all.  He meant it the whole other way, you know, like …. hell, I’m looking at you because I don’t know what the other way is.

“I regret that some people miss the point of my post. It was not to offend. It was to warn,” he explained.

Well, there ya go.  It’s MY mistake.  Train rides for Jews in the 40s is not offensive at all.  He just says it when he wants to warn us.  Probably because he can’t spell “Look out!”  And you have to admit that “Look out!  There’s health care coming!” doesn’t work up the proper fear people need to have.

Thank you, Tennessee, for taking the heat off Texas today.

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0 Comments to “You Know How It Is …”

  1. maryelle says:

    In their zeal to destroy Obamacare, R’s feel the need to outdo each other on the topic.
    Here is one moron who couldn’t even imagine what Jewish people endured from the Nazi’s, yet tries to equate that immeasurable suffering with getting health insurance to perhaps save lives.
    The point is that he DID offend, not what he meant, but what he DID and that he cannot explain away. Thankfully other Tennessee officials, including Republicans have condemned his remarks.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Piyush needs to reword his “Party of Stupid” memo. His GOPigs think he set the bar for stupid and they’re all trying to slither under it.

  3. Bernard says:

    Why aren’t these idiots screaming about the Prescription Drug Plan for seniors? If you didn’t sign up for it when it was put into effect and you were on Medicare, you get assessed a penalty. I am now working with people who did not sign up and will get a one percent per month penalty tacked onto their premium if they sign up now. This started in 2006, so, if I am not mistaken, one percent per month will be about 96%? I am not good at math, so correct me if I am wrong. And, the penalty NEVER goes away!

  4. It’s just a GOP kneejerk that Obama = Hitler. Every now and then they say it out loud where other people can hear. Maybe not often enough, because people still vote for them.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    You gotta wonder.

  6. maggie says:

    Let’s see . . . how much whiskey is made in Tennessee? And how much of it does this guy drink?

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    The crap ‘health care benefit’ my health care corporation , Fortune 500 member, offers makes Obamacare look good.

  8. Jeanne says:

    I wrote to this idjit a couple of nights ago. I got back the canned note that he was only “warning” Murkins about the horribleness ahead, that is, public funding of abortions, death panels, etc.– it’s like these people heard the screechers five years ago and it stopped their ability to hear or think anything else, regardless. I would feel sorry for them if I didn’t want to run them over a cliff somewhere. I am so sick of it. So sick of lies and stupidity glorified…maybe David Brooks is right, and this is what we elders deserve: people with no compassion or empathy running our lives. (Shut my mouth– I do NOT like David Brooks EVER–) But-it wonders me.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    You said “death panels”. When I saw the word “panels” the first thing I thought of was “solar panels”. Lo, the Kochies are against solar panels too so I guess these guys are. I googled solar energy and stacey campfield. Here is one item:

    Wednesday, February 11, 2009

    Campfield’s Energy Plan: Stay in Cave, Scrounge Firewood, Ignore Technology

  10. Marge Wood says:

    and I had to share this:

    Koch Brothers Decline Tom Steyer’s Climate Change Debate Invitation | NationofChange

    Remember last week when Tom Steyer challenged billionaire clean energy opposers Charles and David Koch to a climate change debate? Steyer, a billionaire activist for renewable energy and climate aware …

  11. Gidget Commando says:

    I’d hock the family farm to see an outspoken Holocaust survivor have at it with this sorry excuse for a humanoid in a public forum, with plenty of video and great audio.

    Any candidates? I’ll start passing the hat.

  12. Zyxomma says:

    This Jewess would love to give him a smackdown. Instead, I’ll just stay on the sidelines and watch him implode.
