You Knew It Was Just a Matter of Time

May 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well hell, they’re spreading.

I told you that whatever Ted, Louie and Steve has is contagious, didn’t I?  But did you believe me?  No you did not.  And don’t tell me it’s some kind of cross-species anomaly.  It ain’t.  There’s no difference between ants and Ted Cruz and you know it.

According to researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, invasive “crazy ants” are slowly displacing fire ants in the southeastern United States. These “Tawny Crazy Ants” have a peculiar predilection toward electronics as well.

“They nest in electronics and create short circuits, as they create a contact bridge between two points when they get electrocuted they release an alarm pheromone,” says UT research assistant Edward LeBrun.

“The other ants are attracted to the chemicals that other ants give off,” he adds. At this point, more ants arrive and create a larger nest.

Which completely explains the whole Tea Party thing.

And there’s a warning:   “The ants should be contained where you find them and then exterminated. They thrive on human movement.”

Everybody be still, dammit, and stomp them out.

Thanks to MB for the heads up.

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