You Had To See This Coming

March 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Goat Rodeos


You knew she wasn’t going to be able to stay quiet about it.

She decided to be the last to weigh-in on the Texas School Board.  She knew it was going to get dumber.  It, of course, did.

McLeroy wanted “to focus just on the enlightenment folks,” he said. “The enlightenment, the way I understand it, are the ones like Montesquieu, Locke, Hobbes, all those folks. And Jefferson was in another generation. The founders were building on the enlightenment.”

McLeroy said he wanted students to learn that the French Revolution was built on different ideals than the American Revolution.

“In the Americas,” he said, “it had a different basis. I’m not the scholar that can just pop those things out, I just have my general impressions.”

“I am not a hairdresser who can just pop these hairdos out,” Juanita says, “I just have my general impressions of what to cut next and that’s why your new do looks like crap.”

Thomas Jefferson has been removed from Texas school books because he wasn’t a Christian.  We also cannot discuss the enlightenment because that just might make little children think for themselves.  It didn’t stop there.

“Everything was about Religion. There was one [amendment] that said Battle of San Jacinto gave religious freedom. And one lady in the audience came up to me later and said ‘religious freedom? That’s when the Texas Rangers began hanging the Hispanics.

And to prove Juanita’s theory that conservatives are far too obsessed with s-e-x to be having a healthy s-e-x life of their very own —-

A discussion over gender roles was even more puzzling. The current curriculum asks students to examine how the traditional roles of men and women had changed since the 1950’s. But the seven staunch conservatives on the board said the feared the text would promote trans-sexualism and sex change operations.

“Yes, siree, if we explain that women in the same job as a man make 80% as much money, Little Johnnie will rush right out to have his winkie removed so he, too, can charmingly  make less money,” Juanita laments.

“Honey, they’ve cornered the market on cornpone,” she sighs.


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