You Can’t Even Get There From Here

November 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

San Angelo, Texas, is out in West Texas 100 miles southwest of Abilene.  Abilene is near nothin’.  In every way.  Abilene’s main crop is dust, and their biggest export is Baptists.  America used to store our nuclear missiles in Abilene at an Air Force base, because if they accidentally blew up it would be considered urban renewal.

San Angelo is more worthless than Abilene.  Hell, they even shut down the Chamber of Commerce because there wasn’t any.  I spent a week in San Angelo one day.

Screen Shot 2013-11-23 at 10.09.05 AMSo, when Republican State Representative Drew Darby of San Angelo was flying out of the Austin airport, he was stunned, stunned I tell you, that he could not carry a .38 caliber Ruger and six rounds of ammunition in a magazine on the damn airplane.

It was in his carry-on bag.  He “forgot” it was there.  So, all in all, it’s probably a pretty good thing the TSA found it before one of Darby’s grandchildren did.

I dunno about you, but if I have a deadly weapon, I like to know where it is.  I mean, it ain’t gonna do me much good if a bad man tries to mug me and I don’t know where the hell I put my concealed weapon.

Yeah, Darby, we’re idiots.  We believe you’re a NRA shrill and you “forgot” where your weapon is.  Yep.  We buy that.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “You Can’t Even Get There From Here”

  1. I don’t know. I suspect if he felt threatened he’d remember his “protection/savior” quickly enough. Otherwise, why carry??!

  2. Another demonstration of ‘responsible’ gun ownership underwhelms the electorate.
    His voice may be shrill, but I believe he is a rwnj “second amendment or die” shill.

  3. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Based on the above information and after many hours of precise calculations, I estimate his penis at 1.75726 inches. In common vernacular, he has and is a teeny weenie.

  4. If you are a person who forgets what they pack in their carry on – – because, how much prior to the flight do you pack that, 1 hour? 12 hours? then there are probably a lot of other important items you probably tend to forget as well. Maybe that person should have a job that doesn’t require use of a memory, and not be a state rep.

  5. Hey! I’ve got family in Abilene! And they’re all Baptists of the most whacked-out, Book of Revelations, end-of-the-world variety. Seems like they’re either named after Old Testament prophets or characters in The Hobbit.

    Thank the Lord they’ve stayed put out there in the desert.

  6. Just about a year ago here in Illinois, we had a state senator who got stopped at O’Hare. In his carryon he had a .25 caliber Beretta loaded with six rounds in the magazine. Same story. Says he forgot it was there. He was arrested, jailed, charged with a Class 4 felony and bonded out at $25,000. He got off light a few months later by copping to a misdemeanor count of reckless conduct. The misdemeanor conviction allows him to stay in office without being removed or impeached. Currently he’s on one year of unsupervised court supervision.

    If Darby knows what’s good for him, he won’t go strutting around whining about his Second Amendment rights. Jackass.

  7. OH don’t forget, if they are not Baptist in Abilene they are Church of Christ although it is really hard to tell the difference! Out of context “quotes” seem to be the preferred method of communication for both.

  8. Angelo_Frank says:

    San Angelo, Texas…

    Three time winner of the “The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate”. A “prize”, awarded by hosts Dick Martin and Dan Rowan of Laugh-In, to celebrities and government officials who messed up.

    1. For having a lake that caught fire. O.C. Fisher Lake, then called North Concho, dried up and weeds on the dry lake bed burned in the early 1970s.
    2. For building the world’s longest earthen dam with no water behind it. When the O.C. Fisher dam was constructed, it did set a record. And the lake, completed at the beginning of the 1950s drought, took years to fill.
    3. For constructing a pipeline from one dry lake (O.C. Fisher) to another (Spence in Coke County).

  9. fleeting expletive says:

    I lived in Abilene when I was in junior high. My daddy was a traveling salesman for aluminum awnings (early ’60’s). I remember accompanying him to San Angelo one time. It had a fine Texas county courthouse in a beautiful township square.

    My family went to a lovely Presbyterian church in Abilene. The minister was a PhD, and I was very fortunate to have him as the teacher in my confirmation class.

    Loved living in Austin in the late seventies.

  10. By the way, Darby doesn’t need to be in a rush to get back for the San Angelo Tea Party meeting on Tuesday.

    According to the group’s website, he got an F on the “Texans for Fiscal Responsibility” index by ranking 85th out of 94 Republican reps, with a score of 35.7 out of 100.

  11. The definition of Darb – he ‘aint.

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I believe all gun carriers should be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles to protect the health and safety of the post-born.

    But that’s just one opinion.

  13. The big surprise is that in Texas anything having to do with guns would be a felony. Bet it gets reduced.

  14. Oh sure, he got stopped with a gun, imagine if he had some Tampons, now that’s a real danger by the Lege’s standards.

  15. This demonstrates the real danger of the NRA’s “anywhere you go, go armed” mantra. These guys are carrying weapons everywhere they go to because they’re convinced that they might need to play Jr. G-Man with live ammo on a moment’s notice.

    And yet, they can’t remember where their guns are.

    If this demonstrates anything other than the idiocy of the idea that guns “make you safer”, it’s that being a Republican makes you stupider.

  16. He may have expected he could get a way with it and then he could throw one of those snot nose hissy fits about how worthless the TSA was. Or, he may have forgot. Either way, he’s an idiot.

    I have a good bachelor friend of many years, who is a libertarian of sorts. Any time he says something to me about gun rights, I remind him of the time when he could not find his handgun and questioned me concerning the trustworthiness of everyone who had been in his condo for the past year, convinced someone had stolen it. He later admitted finding it right where he hid it. He’s still a friend because he is able to laugh at himself with me about how people say they need a gun for protection. If you don’t know where it is, it ain’t protection.

  17. Julia Bosco says:

    To Ralph Wiggams for the best comment in the thread. Definitely got my belly-laugh of the day! Thanks.

  18. VintageMomma says:

    And would Drew the Doofus be throwin’ a snot-nosed hissy fit if someone whose skin is brown tried to board a plane with a loaded weapon? Would we hear his whining and foot-stomping all the way to the Gulf Damn Coast if someone wearing a turban or sari said that he or she just “forgot” the blankety-blank thing was in said carry on? He’s a gol-darned plaster saint.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, my feathers or fur or something is ruffled. You can badmouth Drew Darby all you like, but you better take back them words about Abilene. It happens to have a really good/great art and music scene, and their zoo is way better than Austin’s. And right down the street from the Center for Contemporary Arts, which holds really zippy art openings (with no parking meters in sight) there is a truly fine restaurant. So there. Huh. Just imagine: a city with three universities and no parking meters, and free jazz festivals. And I don’t even get a commission. San Angelo I ain’t speakin’ for but they do have good PBS radio.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    Speaking of dams with no water behind them: Drive up to Brownwood and cross their almost dry lake, their city water source. Go on to Cross Plains and turn left and go all the way to Abilene or Sweetwater. Abilene is turning over a new leaf and warning folks to be careful what they let wash down the street assuming a miracle should happen and they get rain, because Abilene is going to start seriously recycling water. Just remember, Prop. 6 was there to benefit the developers and highway builders. All the good sites for reservoirs (a big hunk of the Prop. 6 plan) have reservoirs in them. Weinert has been told to cut its water usage 60% per day. Ask your guv. candidates what they truly have in mind for seeing that the left half of Texas isn’t just going to burn up and blow away. If if involves digging big holes in the ground and hoping that rain will fill them and stay there, you can know they will lie about other stuff too. And maybe you can get your asstd. candidates to tell their biggest donors to quit moving water from folks’ water sources to be used for fracking. Now it’s time for a nice big pimiento sandwich.

  21. Such forgetfulness is indicative of the onset of a form of dementia! One helluva good reason why this man should not only be prevented from carrying a firearm but why he should never leave home!

  22. I just can’t believe that someone goes to the effort to earn a concealed handgun license then violates one of the most fundamental rules of carry, not knowing all the time the exact location of the handgun. What’s the point of having the license??

  23. Angelo_Frank says:

    Does anyone really think Texas state Rep. Darby will be tried and convicted of a third-degree felony in this incident? A very popular, and powerful, local businessman in San Angelo, Mr. Darby will likely receive a slap on the hand and go on to political stardom in the State of Texas, as this little brush-up with the TSA may prove to be positive publicity that money can’t buy.

  24. Maybe we can get a law that if you have a concealed carry permit, you are also required to carry unconcealed tampons?

    Or maybe I’m deep into wintry-mix, pre-Turkey Day insanity.

  25. Oh, I don’t know, Juanita – seems to me you’re too skeptical. Why, that’s the kinda thing that could happen to anybody. Out here in California, a state Assemblyman did exactly the same a couple of years ago:

    Got a fine and probation. Now he’s running for governor:

    Only Republican crazy enough to, so far. Must be a TeaBaggin’ thang . . .
