You Can Add Thieving To Deadbeat Dad Title
Joe Walsh. Illinois. Crazy hollering dude who doesn’t pay his child support.
Well, it now appears that stealing bills from Democrats is his new hobby.
Rep. Tim Bishop thinks Rep. Joe Walsh’s bill to provide renovation grants for Veterans of Foreign Wars posts is a really good piece of legislation.
Primarily because he wrote it.
In 2010, Bishop, a Democrat from New York, introduced the Renovate and Enhance Veterans’ Meeting Halls and Posts Act with a bipartisan group of co-sponsors. Then in May of this year, Walsh, a Republican from Illinois, unveiled a practically verbatim version of the bill on his own without consulting Bishop or asking him to be a co-sponsor.
Now, prepare for the cringe factor: this is same Joe Walsh who whined that his opponent, Tammy Duckworth, spent too much time talking about her years in the military. Duckworth, of course, is a war hero – so any time she talks about it is too much time in Walsh’s mind.
So, Walsh needed something – a little gift, let’s say – for veterans. So, he stole a bill.
Joe the Jerk is his mafia name, you know.
I will be so glad when he loses this race and gets his own show on Fox.
Thanks to David for the heads up.