You Call This News?

February 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s kinda amazing what people are calling news now days.

For example, take this.



And that’s news because some damn fool just now figured it out?

Although the “junk” news sites considered in the analysis included those on both the left and right, lead researcher Philip Howard said the findings suggest “that most of the junk news that people share over social media ends up with Trump’s fans, the far right. They’re playing with different facts, and they think they have the inside scoop on conspiracies.”

As a result, he said in a phone interview, it appears that “a small chunk of the population isn’t able to talk politics or share ideas in a sensible way with the rest of the population.”

Yeah, this ain’t news.  This has been going on for a while. They quit being sensible well over a year ago.

Reuters just came out with a poll that 73% of Republicans believe that the FBI and the Justice Department are trying to undermine Donald Trump.

Damn fools.  Trump is trying to undermine Trump.


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