You Broke It. You Buy It.
Get this – Mitch McConnell is in such a state of panic that he’s swearing that the Republican establishment will help Hillary win if Trump is the nominee.
In a stunning report by the New York Times, Republican sources confirm that party leadership is planning to destroy Trump and give Hillary Clinton the win rather than let him have control of the GOP.
To rally depressed Republicans, McConnell has hatched an unthinkable tactical retreat: Let Hillary Clinton win and focus on maintaining control over the Senate.
Poor baby. Break out the violin and play the heartbreak of idiocy.
Mitch, you thumb sucking chin drawling knuckle dragging dope, you built Donald Trump. He’s your invention. You told everybody that government is their enemy and should not be trusted. You’re the one who scared screaming crap outta everybody over having a black man be President. Donald Trump is the logical conclusion of everything you’ve said and done for seven years.
Hell, Mitch, Donald Trump is so your invention that you ought to be able to claim as a deduction on your income tax.
So Mitch, kiss my big blue butt.