Yo, Joe! Do You Mean Shooting Off Your Mouth or An Actual Gun?

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joe the Plumber.  I don’t know about you, but I generally take all my political, economic, and social advice from my plumber.

And, as most of you know by now, Joe the Plumber’s name is not Joe and he’s not a plumber.

He does, however, eat bullets for breakfast so he can shoot off his mouth all day.  Today, he’s salivating and rubbing his hands together at the thought of killing some Mexicans.

At two separate events in recent days, Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher has proposed to “put a damn fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting.”

Wurzelbacher first made the remarks during a campaign rally for Arizona Republican state Rep. Lori Klein on Friday, according to video published by Prescott eNews.

“For years I’ve said, you know, put a damn fence on the border, going to Mexico and start shooting,” he insisted.

You know, cause he loves Jesus.

And you remember his friend Lori Klein, the Arizona State Senator who pointed her pink Ruger at a reporter and called it “cute.” No, Honey, my hot pink rhinestone studded sandals are cute.  Your batcrap crazy hands around a Ruger falls directly under the category of Not Cute.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

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