
December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m still at a party for the end of candidate filings but I just needed to tell you crazy (no, like certifiable, not just ecentric) Congressvarmint Steve Stockman suddenly withdrew from his congressional race in the GOP primary and filto to run against Senator John Cornyn.

I cannot wait for the debate.  This will be epic!  Stockman is a Tea Party Darling.

Sorry – gotta run.

Okay, if you want to know the stuff on Stockman, Mother Jones did a better job than I could ever do.

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Here’s the best part.  Stockman says he’s running because Cornyn doesn’t walk lockstep with Ted Cruz.  So, every crazy thing that Stockman says rubs off on Cruz.  And, I’m betting ten dollars cash American money that Cruz and Cornyn will be in a runoff to prolong this free entertainment.

And you people in foreign states can watch from the cheap seats at Juanita Jean’s.


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