Yippie Kai Yay

November 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Governor-elect Greg Abbott held a press conference this morning and announced his first two big plans for Texas.

1.  He’s gonna stop Ebola.

2.  He’s gonna sign an open carry bill.

So, there ya got it.  Just want Texas needs – less Ebola and more guns.

Phew, glad that’s solved.


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0 Comments to “Yippie Kai Yay”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    So Abbot’s Sidekicks can just shoot anyone with a runny nose and get away with it?

  2. Major snark there LP, and much appreciated for the laugh.

  3. I wonder about all this quarantine stuff. If the Gov of your state orders you to quarantine in a for profit hospital, who pays the bill?

  4. “What are Neil and I going to do, shoot the bug down? He’s hot on the trigger, but he’s not up to potting microbes just yet!”
    — Chria Chance, “The Ship Who Searched”

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    What, he didn’t explain how he was going to defend the border? Surely the republicans have not forgotten their often repeated assurance that they would defend our border with Mexico. Off topic, there is an op-ed piece in the New York Times suggesting that McConnell and the President can find common ground in their mutual hatred of Ted Cruz.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    The headline on the STATESMAN says that Abbott is all about JOBS and EDUCATION. Hmm. So he’s gonna educate kids that they better not get too smart or they’ll get ebola and not be able to find a job. Or something like that.

  7. They are just not going to be happy until this state looks just like a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western.

  8. Don’t we already have open carry?

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Education? How does one work that into a sentence about Abbott? My wife has a suggestion: Abbott needs to be educated.

    She recommends that everyone print this article and send it to him: “Someone needs to explain to Greg Abbott where babies come from” http://margaretandhelen.com

    Follow up with short, but truly scientific articles on Ebola, gun safety and a whole raft of subjects of which it’s a sure bet Greg Abbott knows nothing. In fact, every time this dumbest of dumb posteriors makes a pronouncement, send him an article with facts about whatever it is he is mewling.

  10. OH, I are so confused!

    One of these turns out to be treatable and beatable.

    The other is just plain damn lamentable.

    Which is which?

  11. Start with guns & Ebola. That was a quick decision.

    Why does Texas get all the Deciders?

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    I didn’t know he had the expertise to create a vaccine and send it to Africa.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, maybe Greg plans to issue Ebola a Texas voter ID number, then no one will get it?

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Brennan Center for Justice has interesting tales to tell about how disenfranchised voters totals were greater than the margin of victory in several state races.

  15. We can defend the boarder by letting everyone carry a gun and shoot anyone who doesn’t look legal, that way noone would dare to come. By the way, we are talking about the Oklahoma boarder, no?

  16. WASF!

  17. About possible voter fraud from those “True the Vote” clowns and their head clown, Catherine Engelbrecht…

    “Rightwing ‘Voter Integrity’ Group ‘True the Vote’ Fails To Find Polling Place ‘Voter Fraud’ (Again)… Despite ‘army’ of monitors and new smartphone app, discredited org uncovers just 18 ‘irregularities’, 0 polling place impersonation…”


  18. As a scientist, I can say with absolute certainty, even though carrying a gun WILL most likely protect you from interpersonal contact, Ebola virus will NOT be detered.

  19. Auntie BFly says:

    Well, there it is, y’all. Our Education governor. Oy, it’s gonna be a good four years of fodder for comedians.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    Don’t you ‘magine Abbott is going to delegate his Education opinions to Dan Patrick, the Charter School Czar?

  21. “Texas Education. Because anything worth knowing is worth paying for.”
    — message from the Texas Board of Education, a division of Koch Industries

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    I just Love You, Marge Wood!

  23. My heart aches for the people of Texas and all the other states which suffer under the curse of Republicans. Here in PA, the Repug, Corbett, went down in flames and our Gov. elect, Tom Wolf, is a ray of sunshine in this otherwise dark nation of fools.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Awww, Linda! I’m sure I love you too.

  25. Marge Wood says:

    I’m still numb. Tomorrow I’ll prolly regain full consciousness at the Yeller Dawgs meeting, and then watch out. Y’all from Austin area might want to come over to Tres Amigos on Cap. Tx. Hwy at 11 a.m. tomorrow and watch everyone froth at the mouth. No photography or physical assaults allowed.
