Yet Another New Low

May 30, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Trumpists and other mouthbreathers get a huge charge our of “owning the libs”, complaining that not being a flaming asshole is somehow the new pejoratives “woke” or “virtue signaling”, which, joining “cancel culture” are all of the new talking points being used in rapid fire by everyone from Fled Cruz to some knuckle draggers still flying Trump flags on his jacked up 2 MPG pick-’em-up truck.  The point is not advocating for a certain political policy; the point is all about being a dick to strangers with cruelty as the objective.  The latest, though, sinks below most of the Trumpian insults and whining.  This one is comparing mask requirements and vaccinations as being equivalent to the holocaust where Nazis imprisoned, tortured, enslaved, and killed millions of Jews in Europe.  Over 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust along with other undesirables including Gypsies and other eastern Europeans.  The Jews in Nazi controlled Europe were required to wear a star of David patch to identify what level of undesirable they were.  The most well known was the yellow star of David.


The geniuses at Nashville hat shop HatWrks thought it would be a really good idea to “own the libs” by selling a replica patch that didn’t say “Jude” but “Not Vaccinated”.  The store’s Instagram account had been known for posting conspiracy theories and nonsense about the pandemic, so, living in their echo chamber, it’s not surprising that they thought there little patch would sell like hotcakes.  It didn’t go well.  They were blasted online and in protests in front of their store.  Then, Stetson came calling, cancelling their wholesale arrangement with the store saying that they didn’t support hate.  BTW, Stetson is the largest hat maker in the world, selling over 3 million hats a year.  That’s going to leave a mark.


So, I guess HatWrks “owned the libs” by shooting themselves in the foot.  I’m sure they were shocked to find that normal people don’t like bigots and hateful people, especially when it spills out into the street in front of their place business.  But hey, I’m sure Trump loves it.

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