Yes, You Have a Choice

November 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is real, real, sorry to say this, but …


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“Nobody wants to say this and nobody wants to shut down religious institutions or anything, but you know, you understand it. A lot of people understand it. We’re going to have no choice,” the Republican presidential said in an interview from Trump Tower on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Tuesday night.

So I guess I am wondering what other part of the First Amendment he wants to dissolve.

Let’s see, we can sell assault weapons to people on the terrorist list but we have to close mosques? Why? So they’ll use that time to join the NRA?

Are we sure Trump is an American?  Screw the birth certificate – I want a real test of citizenship.

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0 Comments to “Yes, You Have a Choice”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    Who does this guy think he is?

  2. “No choice” means some damn fool has made a choice and thinks he didn’t.

    Close the mosques? What does he think that would do, besides make a lot of enemies, as if we need more, and reinforce the ISIS doctrine that there’s a war going on between Muslims and Christians?

    A brain-eating zombie would starve to death….

  3. I would like to see if he has a brain. Or heart.

    I would also like to know why he hates children. Using his logic, the Catholic churches should be closed due to widespread child sexual abuse that was covered up.

    I am a former Catholic.

  4. All the finesse of a castrated bull! Because our President doesn’t lead us into an unwinnable and unsustainable war in which our young people will die, our economy will be drained and from which there is no exit strategy, does not mean he isn’t leading.
    He is leading us away from that knee-jerk reaction into a coalition of countries which need to invest their soldiers and their assets much more fully while we provide support. All our forces in Syria would not have prevented the attacks in Paris. More intelligence sharing and coordination between countries can. Didn’t Donald learn anything at Trump University? Oh, wait, it was a scam just like he is.

  5. like obama said “donald isn’t the same type of person that I grew up with in kenya”

  6. My goodness, can tRump think clearly enough to pi$$ a hole in the snow? Good lawrd.

  7. Chloe Bear says:

    Meanwhile Hollande of France has declared that France will welcome 30,000 Syrian refugees over the next two years. A leader and a humanitarian vs. Trump an ignorant blow hard. Thankfully the two will never meet as world leaders.

  8. slipstream says:

    slipstream gots a great idea!

    When Jeb! gets his “let’s see who is a real Christian” test all ready to use on Syrian refugees — let’s test it out on Trump.

  9. So that’s his negotiating style? No wonder he had to make his money from bankruptcies!

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Thanks, Slipstream.

  11. There have been a whole lot of rude jokes over time about how the French surrender easily.

    Sounds as though it’s U.S. konservatives who are surrender monkeys.

  12. Slipstream –
    Yeah, and what is this foolproof Christian test anyway? Make every applicant eat a pulled pork sandwich and drink a beer? I doubt that would stop a real terrorist.

  13. We understand that he wants to get rid of the Constitution.

  14. ‘Cause closing mosques will make Muslim feel all warm and fuzzy towards the United States.

    You’d think these guys want to create more terrorists.

    Maybe they do. War is profitable and apparently lots of fun as long as you’re not the one in the line of fire.

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Trump never sees any choices but his own.

    So of course he wants to get rid of the Constitution and any laws that impede his ego in any way. Eventually, with all the hot air inside, you’d think he’d just pop and deposit unpleasant fluids for miles around, but so far that hasn’t happened. My own nasty mental fantasy is Trump in boot camp on Parris Island, stripped of all his power and with a Marine combat-veteran DI chewing him out on a regular basis. Maybe that’s the hell he’ll end up in after he finally croaks…because like the song says about “everybody eats” and “everybody sleeps”…everybody dies.

  16. I’ve wondered for a long time just where Trump came from. Why have none of his college classmates come forward? Those he served in the military (school) with? Can anyone prove he’s not a lizard person, or a cephalopod in a mask?

    Frankly, I fin the man a bit goosey, and probably sauced. We should take a good, hard gander at his so-called bona fides.
