Yes, Yes, I Know About About Dan Patrick

April 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is back on his idea that some old people need to die to protect democracy.

His theory goes like this: if we reopen government, sure, old people will get this Covid Crap and die.  But, everybody else will thrive and we’ve saved democracy for our grandchildren. After all, it’s the least old people can do.

Okay, okay, I know that contrary to what we first heard, we have discovered that Covid-19 kills all age groups and it’s not just old people.  Dan’s brain has a lag time of about 30 days, okay, maybe 60 days.  The man, after all, is 70 years old so it takes a while to get things in his brain to do an oopsy.

For a while now Patrick has preached that the lockdown was unnecessary in Texas because we’ve only had 500 deaths because … ta da! … we locked down early.  So, we should lift the lock because it’s working.

Patrick said Monday that there are “more important things than living.” And that, he said, includes making sure the country is saved for his children and grandchildren.

Okay, for the second time because he didn’t hear me the first time, Dan Patrick should set a shining example for all the rest of us and give it up for my bank account.

You first, Dan.


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0 Comments to “Yes, Yes, I Know About About Dan Patrick”

  1. Dan wants to be a leader. Well, then he should go first.
    That’s the definition of leader-guy up front.

  2. Obviously he doesn’t care about anything except his financial portfolio. “Saving democracy for his grandchildren” is BS. The entire Repugnant political party has run up our national debt so high and they will leave it for our grandchildren to pay it. But, hey, the stock market is fine and so are the top 1%.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Are we finally going to get the death panels they warned us about? When is he going to put a bounty on the head of Grandpa.

  4. Sure, Patrick, I’ll consider your barbaric idea right after I’ve seen some evidence that you or any other republican actually does care about saving the country for our grandchildren.

    Because as far as I can tell, you and the rest of the republican traitors are doing every single thing you can to destroy our country and democracy with it.

  5. How many “ k’s”. In fuck***ers? Just kidding you gotta love these guys, Patrick and Gohmers….shining lights, huh

  6. What does that say about Dan that he thinks his children would be better off without him because of their bank accounts?
    Sucks to be Dan

  7. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    Time to take one for the team, Dan.

  8. Danny Boy – head right back to Maryland. They are doing so well with this virus – you could be on the front lines of dying for it.

  9. **ap!!! I’m 8 decades and danny boy age is only a number and from the way you are behaving your number is up!

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    I am still willing for Dan to make the ultimate sacrifice – I however intend to be here for my kids and grandkids!

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That shit eating grin on his face is so obnoxious. I wonder if that was the smile on his face when he was repeating his death threat to Texans. Not that anyone cares, I spent my last 2 years before retiring at my employers San Antonio office, away from home. I hated having to see and hear the Abbot and Patrick show on the news everyday. I was so glad to flee from there. I feel bad for those that can’t flee and have to live under their rule.

  12. maryelle says:

    Apparently there are a lot of Rethugs who agree with this nutjob. I am waiting to see how many of those wackos suffer the COVID consequences of protesting the stay at home strategy by protesting without masks or social distancing.
    Perhaps it will take dying to “wake” them up a bit too late.
    Unfortunately, they may take our heroic doctors and nurses with them.

  13. Scotty in Indiana says:

    They’re a Death Cult, but a hybrid of what we’ve seen in the past: kamikazes who think they owe their lives to the Emperor sun god; and suicide bombers who think the act assures them admission to paradise. Neither is American. But, of course, the leaders who recruit for suicidal acts aren’t willing to participate themselves.

  14. Aggieland Liz says:

    Yeah, Dan Patrick. Failed flippin sportscaster. Looks like the Buc-ees beaver fer Pete’s sake. And yes, by all means, let him volunteer to go first-the rest of us sure won’t miss his sorry useless unattractive butt.

  15. Dixie Beal says:

    I am pissed off that this fool pissed me off enough to have to write this song.

  16. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Dixie! Damn, that’s some great stuff. Thanks.

  17. yet another baby boomer says:

    Dang Dixie Beal! That’s a great song!
