Yes Sir, A Heritage of Hate

July 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, let me tell you a little something about Montague County, Texas.  It’s out near Wichita Falls, and it borders on the Red River.  One good sneeze and it’s in Oklahoma.  Montague County is a thousand square miles and has a population of 19,000.  Obviously, the people who live there don’t like being around other people.

There’s one old fart in Montague County who doesn’t cotton to all this Supreme Court nonsense.  He has great pride in the self-proclaimed fact that he has two grandfathers who fought on the losing side of a racist war.

So, he put a 6 foot wooden confederate war flag on the front of his business.  It faces the county courthouse.  On it, he has placed the words, “Heritage, Not Hate.”  Yeah, Dude, but it’s a heritage of hate.

Here’s one minute of Hey Shuddup You Old Coot.




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