Yes, Sarah, And God Gave Me Good Sense To Turn You Off

November 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sarah Palin is a godly woman.  On some other planet.

After she compared the national debt to slavery and everybody pointed and giggled at her, Fox News jumped to her defense.   Chris Wallace was the first to jump.

In a Sunday interview, Wallace told Palin she had made “fairly unobjectionable remarks” by comparing federal debt to slavery.

Sarah_Ted_EgoTrip2So, Sarah explained that God gave her the Fox News show to defend herself.  She then went off on some rampage about how defenseless children don’t have a television show to defend themselves so …

“I move on and I charge forth,” she explained. “However, if Mr. Bashir or anybody else in this media elite bubble that they put themselves were to attack someone who is defenseless like a vulnerable child who does not have the podium, that microphone that God has blessed me to be able to express my opinion, if they don’t have that type of platform to defend themselves, well, if you want to see a mama grizzly get riled up and slap that person down then you come after a vulnerable child.”

Nobody came after a vulnerable child.  Nobody even thought about it.  She ain’t Mother Teresa and nobody sees her do anything about defenseless children who don’t have enough to eat or no health care.  Mama grizzly, my sweet patootie.

Yes, God gave Sarah a television show just like he gave Jimmy Swaggart one.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up and John for the most excellent graphic.

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0 Comments to “Yes, Sarah, And God Gave Me Good Sense To Turn You Off”

  1. The Abominablesnowbeast strikes again.. what a hideous and disgusting person SP is…..

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    This woman makes absolutely NO sense at all …

  3. W. C. Peterson says:

    What kind of dressing should we use on that wonderful Sarah Palin word salad? If she gets paid by the word, shouldn’t they at least make sense?

  4. She’s not only an idiot, she’s a blithering idiot.

  5. Angelo_Frank says:

    Parody, but a sizable number of Fox News viewers probably believe this:

    Palin: God Invented Fox News to Save America

  6. Neither I, nor most of the intelligent world speak Grizzly and J.J.’s point about the Repug neglect of defenseless poor children is right on point.

  7. I’m not sure….. but I think maybe Bashir may have been misunderstood. I think he may have been referring to the usual “crap” that already comes out of her mouth….maybe.

    Aka as “Grizzly speak.”????

  8. What kind of God would make Palin his or her spokesman?

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I don’t know where she is seeing this slavery but I would guess it is in towns without a women’s health provider. And it is not the debt that is oppressing the citizens, it is the local religious mafia.

    But then I have strong opinions.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Martin Bashir must have gotten close to the truth. The stuff that Palin spews has to get in her mouth somehow.

  11. Sarah didn’t do anything for the vulnerable women in Alaska when she made rape victims pay for their own rape kits.
    The trash she has said about our President has been hideous.
    She can spew it but she sure can’t take it.
    Thanx McCain.

  12. Carmen Piranha says:

    “Mama Grizzly?” Get some new material Sarah; that one is getting old. You’re not the warrior you seem to think you are if you go AWOL halfway through everything you start.

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    After all these years, ya’d think someone would write a Sarah Palin to English Translation book. Alas, even a Pulitzer winner couldn’t figure out her mind numbing word salad.

    I gave up a long time ago trying to understand the Tundra Tart.

  14. The teacher in me is screeching”Where the hell is my red pencil?”

  15. She does know, doesn’t she, that a female grizzly is actually called a sow?….just like a female hog.

  16. If she ever got around to taking a Psych 101 course on her 6 year tour of the colleges of Hawaii and Idaho – – I think the one thing that she picked up was the study Pavlov & his dogs. “Let’s see, if I replace a bell with Lamestream media, Mama Grizzly…

  17. SomedayGirl says:

    I don’t speak Snowbilly so I have no idea what she’s talking about.

  18. Something I stumbled upon a few months ago. Thought y’all might enjoy it here.

    WARNING: Not appropriate for work or Momma. It also could lead to time lapses, a lot of very clever videos here, beware.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Where else to start? Palin”move on and keep charging” Seems like that is the formula dumb bass dubya used to bankrupt ‘murrica. Mama grizzly gonna slap you down if you go after abused child. That is unfortunately a part of Nature. She would be guilty of protecting a food cache,namely the child in question,to eat later. Do the world a favor and morph into moose poo and fertilize something.

  20. Marge Wood says:


  21. Marge Wood says:

    Blech. Just google Sarah Palin and Koch brothers.

  22. OK. Its no secret I dissected brains in grad school. It is challenging, absorbing, even inspiring work to see the Human Computer like that. Brings out that old quotation, “what a piece of work is man”. But I would never, ever opt for the chance to dissect SP’s brain if she ever left it to medical science. What exactly would there be to work on?

  23. Snowbilly Snookie should watch 12 Years A Slave eyes pinned wide open, a la Alex in Clockwork Orange. Then let her spew her bile about “slavery”

  24. Another trailer trash “wanted to be but never was” and we still listen to this gasbag?

  25. Patrons and JJ:
    Had a hard day at the salt mine today, this entry really lightened my load,

  26. Martin Bashir had the class to apologize for his comments on air(comments are true but maybe a tad inappropriately stated). When has Palin ever apologized for any of the filth coming out of her mouth?

  27. I think the “defenseless child” meme might have something to do with the question that Greta asked on her blog.
