Yes, Nevada, We Are Watching You. UPDATE
Sharron Angle in Nevada is running against Harry Reid because freedom.
She is Obamacare obsessed. They started a site about the most ridiculous things she ever said and they had to stop because they ran out of bandwidth.
Well, John Kwitoski is watching Sharon Angle, too, and her “second amendment remedies.”
Thank to John for the very cool graphic.
UPDATE: Sorry, I do not know what I was thinking. I am pretty much brain dead after working the ballot board all week. Only two more days and then I can rent my brain back. Of course Sharron Angle isn’t running. John and I both knew that. You believe me, don’t you? Please believe me. John and my ego just can’t take it.
Just to clarify, she ran againat Harry Reid in 2010, not this year.
1Mrs. B., you scared me. Thought we dealt with Sharron in 2010. Seems it’s all a mistaken identity/comparison jangle from the Ernst supporters. Or, not. Joni/$arah Joni/Sharron
John Kwitowski, need more material? NV will kindly toss in Sue Lowden, too. She’s fun also, in a Joni sort of way.
“Before we all started having health care, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor,” Lowden told a local news station. “They would say I’ll paint your house.”
Sue Lowden For Barter-For-Health-Care Proposal:
Sue lost to Sharron, who went on to lose to Harry Reid. (2010)
Wake up Iowa, if NV can face down two crazy gun toting wing nut women, sure you can handle Joni. In the words of Nancy Reagan, “just say no” at your polling place Tuesday, Nov 4th, 2014.
2John’s graphics are poster-worthy and I’d love to see this one go viral. Congratulations to the witty and talented Mr. Kwitkowski.
3maryelle, with you 2/3 on this one. “John’s graphics are poster-worthy” and “Congratulations to the witty and talented Mr. Kwitkowski.” Yes, and very much yes.
“love to see this one go viral.” Having had the scare of our lives in NV from that woman back in 2010, some of us are not ready to see that face, even in caricature form, any time soon.
4Things that suck worse than Ebola: Sharron Angle
5If only she’d say, referring to “Second Amendment remedies”, that we need to “take Barack Obama out,” the Secret Service would be knocking on her door.
I love these morons who think they’re going to overthrow the “tyrannical” US government with their popguns. Have they ever heard of drones and cruise missiles? If the government were tyrannical, that’s what the feds would be using. And of course it’s only “tyrannical” because it’s not oppressing the people THEY want to oppress.
6Whew! You threw a scare into me for a moment. I thought it was deja vu all over again.
7Those Republitards — always got an Angle…
8Texastrailerparktrash, easy for you to say “deja vu.” For those of us here in Nevada it was a near panic coronary flash back moment, and as Monty says, “Things that suck worse than Ebola: Sharron Angle.”
We in NV escaped serious embarrassment in 2010. But fear not, we’re humbled. We currently have Senator Heller and Congressman Heck, not to mention some real political dipsticks in the near and distant past.
9Good grief. I may even reread a Sue Grafton or Robert Parker novel. This Sharron person, whoever she is, there are bound to be bunches and clusters of folks just like her who encouraged her to go forth and preach her message. Folks don’t generally do these things alone. ‘night.
10Anyone here involved in SOUTH FORWARD? It is probably okay. Just curious.
Marge Wood: Sharron, $arah, and Joni are easy marks on the “follow the money trail.” That little old ‘grass roots’ evangelical, John Birch smelling, Koch funded trail of subversion and sedition.
On casual inspection, South Forward sounds good. Not getting any hits at SPLC, yet. Will check the money trail. Wish I had Alfredo’s skills on following the money.
11I followed the link to the funny site, “the most ridiculous things she ever said”. It took me 2 hours to get out of it. There are several hilarious links there.
Good gawd, teabaggers are dumb!
12JJ: We all appreciate the especially good reruns.
13Hey, the reminder of just how close this country came to being d-Angled is worth it!
14Mrs. B., you and John are beyond reproach! You really had some of us going, especially me. With so many of the politicians who refuse to go away after defeat, the thought of Sharron Angle rearing her head in 2016 is very, very, very frightening.
Back to 2009 when “anyone but Harry” bumper stickers were flying off store shelves. Then, not one but two crazies were brought out of storage from unknown locations in NV. From the war of the crazies, Sue Lowden and Sharron Angle, Angle emerged as the top crazy candidate.
2010, “anyone but Harry” bumper stickers began flying off bumpers faster than they flew out of the stores.
One conspiracy theory here in Nevada is that Harry Reid handpicked his own opponent. Most of us just don’t know. But the general reaction to 2010? “What the hell was that!”
We lived through it, but we sure can’t explain it. So, seriously, if you, John or anyone can explain what happened, Nevadans would love to know.
15The mistake is natural. Repub drivel is much like that tune you just can’t get out of your head. It may resurface years after you figured you’d forgotten it. I believe both the drivel and the tunes are a species of ear weevil.
16Laughing. Ear weevil. They do get stuck in there, those tunes.
17Anybody whose brain isn’t doing the occasional backfire 2 days before the election is not working hard enough to get out our voters.