Yes, Mitt, We Noticed. You’re White and You-Know-Who Is Not.

July 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mitt Romney would restore “Anglo-Saxon” understanding to the special relationship between the US and Britain, and return Sir Winston Churchill’s bust to the White House, according to advisers.

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”.

Remind me again, Mitt.  What color are you?

Yeah, and Mitt’s gonna shoot for that Monarchy thing, too.

Thanks to Cheryl for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Yes, Mitt, We Noticed. You’re White and You-Know-Who Is Not.”

  1. Sure, Mitt. You’re not suggesting (white) Anglo-Saxon (protestant) superiority, at all. I’m hard of hearing and even I can hear that dog whistle.

  2. Good Lord. If this guy says much more, we won’t even need an election. Just hand the WH back to the President, who embraces all of us, even you and your Mexican roots, Mitt. Yes, in MittWOrld, only the rich white man counts, which is why he is in the GOP. And a Mormon. And ‘he doesn’t even have to be reminded’ to give his 10% to the church, reports his wife, cause he ‘so generous’ that he tithes without a complaint. However, she did not mention one other charity they give to, and frankly, 10% of whatever kazillions they have is nothing when they are paying virtually no taxes. Yes, Mitt sure does represent America…at least a teeny tiny part of it.

  3. You know you’ve stepped in a steaming pile of bull stank when even the Brits think you’re sending out racist dog whistles. There were quite a few Brits posting comments at Think Progress yesterday, and they were also calling the comment racist.

  4. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Or is it that the USofA is oh so much more than the descendants of the original colonists from the UK? Willard is just eat of with dumba$$. His prejudices and the limits of his experiences are just the icing on the cake.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Well, if THAT doesn’t draw a line in the sand . . .

  6. I’m a bit nauseous after reading about Mitt and his Klan Wagon campaign surrogates overseas.

    I think I’ll just take a moment and ponder the mission of Mitt Romney’s Anglo Saxon grandaddy on his trek to Mexico to dodge American laws and marry enough women to field a football team and procreate enough to start the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

  7. The real reason why Romney is going overseas is to make a side trip and visit his money in his Swiss accounts

  8. I am loving the comments made by the brits, they really make fun of Romney – I loved one comment – ‘ do us a favor and shut the hell up, there’s a good chap’

  9. who wants the bust of Churchill in the White House??? not moi and being of Irish ancestry there are plenty more like myself that were glad to see that ole bastard go..
    Nice try Mittens…now head on over to Switzerland and play with your tax free cash!

  10. daChipster says:

    Allow me to point out that, through the Dunham family, and with Mitt’s mama being of Gallic extraction, Barack is at least as Anglo Saxon as Willard.

    And both their fathers were immigrants.

  11. I have, it is said, a little Hun blood in me — one of the “little Germans who grew dark” — fifth-century war brides and all that — and I am striving to resist the impulse to loot and burn in Salt Lake City…

  12. Gramiam says:

    President Obama and his family don’t seem to have much of a problem “fitting in” across the pond. From wildly cheering crowds in Ireland to tours of Buckingham Palace gardens at the personal invitation of Her Majesty, our First Family has represented us with dignity and warmth as well as a clear-eyed view of the “special relationship” enjoyed between us for nearly two centuries. Frankly, I would trust our current President to represent us far more than Mittens Romney, who is becoming a disgusting joke.

  13. Mary in Austin says:


    There’s no one more Irish than Barack Obama!

  14. I expect the Brits are also laughing themselves sick over President Obama being a “Left-winger”.

  15. Robin Frazier says:

    Dumb ass Mitt, Anglo Saxon is not a nice word in many parts of the British Isles.

  16. rubymay says:

    Applause to Gramiam. I doubt sincerely that many of us are exactly the extraction our parents may have told us about. Wars have a way of mixing various heritages. Breeding with one’s immediate family, however, doesn’t result in better children — ya’ just understand the bloodlines. And BTW, who didn’t pay attention in English class (or history class, for that matter), and said, “the special relationship is special?” Well, (as the SNL Church Lady used to say), “Isn’t that just special?” Apparently, the UK doesn’t find Mitt to be special, and neither do I.
