Yes, Mitch, I Am in Fact Rolling My Eyes
Mitch McConnell is a pitiful excuse for a human being.
First he and his grubby little buddies meet up and giggle themselves silly about a woman’s tale of overcoming depression. They think it’s hysterical that she looks deeply into her life and makes decision based on thought. They point and they laugh and they berate a woman – which, by the way, passes for foreplay in Republican circles – and hold themselves out as being the paragon of Christian virtue.
And who is the victim here?
Why, the bullies, of course.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) on Tuesday accused “the political left in America” of engaging in “Nixonian” political tactics, reacting to the publication of an audio tape of a McConnell re-election strategy session.
Mother Jones magazine published an article Tuesday based on the tape, in which campaign aides discussed how to attack potential rival Ashley Judd.
I don’t know if McConnell should be stirring up the ghost of Richard Nixon, Honey. I guess his next statement will be, “I am not a jerk.”
Okay, everybody!, stand up wherever you are and point at the above picture of Mitch McConnell and laugh at his silly butt. He’s earned it.