Yes, Louie, I Am Indeed Intolerant of Your Intolerance. Or Something Like That. I’m Not Real Sure What You Mean But I’m Pretty Sure I’m Against It.
Good Golly Almighty. Louie has done busted a brain fart.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) linked LGBT activism to female genital mutilation and claimed that “intolerant fascist liberals” want to ban women from owning property.
The lawmaker told Congress on Friday that “intellectual fascism” violated the civil rights of conservative Christians.
There appears to be no Rosetta Stone to translate what Louie means when he gets to going on rants like these. I guess he’s grown tired of Nazis and has moved on to female genital mutilation.
He then compared the cancellation of the cable TV reality show to genital mutilation, forced marriage, and other indignities imposed upon women in other nations.
“It is not tolerance that becomes intolerant and says a woman who was tortured — I don’t know what else you would call some of the procedures that were done to her most private areas in the name of religion,” Gohmert said. “It was not voluntary.”
I really don’t know what that means, but I think he’s spun himself into a ball and bouncing around talking about women’s private parts keeps him aloft.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
Okay, he thinks Christians like him are being oppressed. (A lot of “Christians” think that. They should try being an atheist and run for some major civic office like dogcatcher sometime.)
Other than that, I can’t make head nor tail of what he’s babbling about.
“As shrinks testified before me during my days as a judge, it was called projecting,” Gohmert said. “It is those who have a characteristic and to divert condemnation on themselves, they project their characteristic on someone with whom they disagree — so the most intolerant in America.”
Louie, meet Mirror.
1Wait a minute– Louie was a *judge*…? I wouldn’t let him judge the apple butter at a county fair.
2Yeah, he was a judge. Scary, very scary.
3Loopy Louie just had the ultimate air biscuit of all brain vapor locks. He snatched the word salad out of Palin’s mouth and added a spew of diarrhea of the mouth dressing.
Keep yammering, Louie. With you, Salad Sarah, Ann Coulter, Marco thirsty what me for immigration Rubio, the clown car cannot sustain the crazy in 2014. Piyush and Reince have let loose a Louie fest of stupid. Rand Paul trying to sneak in as ‘the voice of reason.’ Good luck with that Randal; pop your pubic hair head outside of Kentucky and watch yourself go down in flames over the video of your goon stomping the head & neck of a woman. Hint Randy: “Southern Avenger.”
Not too fast, Mittens, you reject. Mr Etch-a-Sketch in favor of minimum wage, against it and flipping in the wind like an underweight flounder for it again. ‘47%’ try leaping that hurdle or reeling in that whopper. By the way, Mr Irrelevance, where were you last weekend when the Bundy boys were tearing up your Utah desert? Punk!
Best chance for a Republican to be elected is have never spoken, never speak and join a convent where the vows of silence are a requirement.
Whatever the irrelevant talking heads might opine, 2014 is looking good for the Democratic Party. Register the vote, carry them to their polling places and vote!
4Yes, Louie was a JAG Officer, a state District Judge, a state appellate judge and a Member of Congress. In other words, Louie has never held a job in his life that didn’t involve sucking off the goverment tit. That’s why he rails against government waste–“projecting.”
5Yeeesh! That sounded like the drivel babbling of somebody high on something illegal! Does this man ever get breath-o-lyzed or his fluids tested? Way overdue!!!!!
6For once, I agree with Louie! Many horrible things are done in the name of religion. His, no less than “theirs.”
At our founding, the thing that made us unique among all other nations was that we had a separation of state and church. From that profound idea, all others flowed forth.
7Louie, I love the sound you make when you STFU. Please do it more often!
8OK. I read his statement, read it again, I even read it a third time. There is just no making sense of what he is saying. He just strings words together, throws in a few catch phrases and hopes that no one calls him on his disjointed thought process (if you can call it that). Pure gibberish.
9So liberals want to prohibit women from owning property? I don’t know about that, Louie, but one damn good way to keep women from owning property is not to pay them as much as you pay men. How did you vote on Lillie Ledbetter?
10Sandra, it wasn’t just you. I read it a couple of times before giving up. At least he didn’t start throwing in vegetables into the word salad.
11Cheryl, Sandra, maggie it’s evident that Loopy Louie’s head has exploded so many times there in nothing left in his cranium.
Monty, it’s sort of ironic that your dream is shared by Reince Priebus.
Mark Johnson, way too profound for the Tea Baggers. Separation of Church and State, the very foundation of their religious freedom so escapes them.
12Gohmert exhibits the kind of gibberish that stroke patients do when they try to speak.
13They say words, but do not make sense.
Sounds like there’s been significant damage
to his thinker.
I cringe for my beloved Mt. St Helen’s every time I see that graphic. And yet I think she chuckles with us imagining his head going the way her’s did. Oh Louie, blow!
14maryelle, the drooling Loopy Louie is beginning to sound as rabid crazy as that Clippers clown, Donald Sterling, while Mrs Sterling is sounding way too much like Nancy Reagan. Kool, forgive them, they’re crazy, but for the sake of the nation drag them away from microphones, sports and politics.
Seriously, if my wife’s dog was foaming at the mouth like Loopy Louie and Donald Sterling, we’d seek veterinary attention.
15I can’t comment on this. I have no earthly idea what the man said.
16When I read the headline on this, I thought for sure Loopy Louie had discovered JJ and her infamous beauty salon! However, upon reading the article and the ensuing comments, I see that is not the case!! Too bad … that would be a total hoot to know Loopy Louie discovered this site and learn what “real” folks think of him! LOL
Do you think he’d “get” it? Yeah, me either!!
17From the comments at “Raw Story”
dommyluc • 6 hours ago
18Someone must have told this (not Momma approved phrase) that there is a Nobel Prize for Stupidity, because he is trying his damnedest to win it. He is the Bizzarro World version of Albert Einstein. But at least the great Juanita Jean will have stuff to write about for months.
5 votes
Y’all done said it all.
19I wonder if he would include in his list of “the procedures that were done to her most private areas in the name of religion” the transvaginal ultrasounds so beloved of the radical right.
20Mrs. Gohmert: Slap him upside the head!
21Isn’t that totally amazing that there is an actual “Mrs. Gohmert?”
22Sigh. I used to have only my out of state (non-TX) friends asking about this guy. But I got a note from an overseas friend recently seeking an explanation about some of the statements coming out this person….sigh.
23Will someone please tell me the circumstances of this utterance? I haven’t the psychic energy to track Louie’s spoor.
24What was the cancelled TV show? (I’m pretty sure it wasn’t about mistreatment of women.)
I’m guessing Louis thinks male genital mutilation by religions is just hunky dory.
25LynnN, thanks for saying that! Rhea, I agree. One of the (many) reasons I never even thought about running for office is that I wouldn’t lie about being an atheist.
26This is probably too late, but he was twisting up a RWNJ talking point. Brandeis University was going to honor an activist at graduation and un-invited her when students protested. She’s the one who had genital mutilation and other horrible things done to her as a child. Here’s an article about her
So, because a liberal university decided not to honor an outspoken critic of Islam, all liberals are in favor of genital mutilation, etc. The fact that it can be held up to counteract the #saveourgirls campaign is just a bonus. That’s the logic as best I can make out.
Here’s a link for the show that was cancelled, which is where the “gay agenda” comes in.