Yes, I Do

June 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I bow to genius.

You should, too.


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0 Comments to “Yes, I Do”

  1. gidget commando says:

    Damn. When I’m their age, I hope I have that much chutzpah.

  2. Absolutely perfect as one expects from a genius. Thanks,JJ.

  3. You are right. This is genius.

  4. We really should organize a Million Vagina March! M & H’s new post is so funny, and true. I’m sending it to friends.

  5. Sandy Havens says:

    I bow in awe.

  6. Austinhatlady says:

    I’m going to bow as soon as I stop giggling and re-reading the good parts, which is all of it. Ex-boxs, indeed!
    Gidget Commando, I’m in practice to develop that much chutzpah. i’ve got a ways to go.

  7. What a great way to start my half-day off!!! Thanks Juanita; now I have yet another great way to spend my time….:)

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Been reading the blog of these two classy dames for a few years now. They are who I want to be if I’m lucky enough to reach their age. Love ’em!

  9. Stephen Weinstein says:

    I suspect that Margaret and Helen is a phantom blog written by Juanita Jean so that she can use words that would cause momma to blush.

  10. BarbinDC says:

    Just luv me some Helen! I wish I had her smarts and wit. Same goes for JJ.

  11. I, as well, have been reading M & H for a few years. I highly recommend checking out their archive for your enjoyment too. Beware! You may lose track of time. There are some real gems there.

    Another blog I would recommend from a fellow in Alaska who is a retired (you never really retire though) U S Navy Warrant Officer named Jim Wright. He does some great rants with equal but differently slanted humor (he’s a man!!) LOL

  12. And here is a sample that has a few follow-ups.

    I could hardly read it from laughing so hard:

  13. fenway fran says:

    I want to grow up to be like Helen and Margaret, too. They are WAY quicker with their verbiage than I am, some 20 years younger! I loved the x-boxes comment. And all the rest! I love these two so much, I signed up last year to get an email when a new one comes out. You should, too! And thanks to JJ for introducing her patrons of the WMDBS to these lively vaginas!

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Despite the lack of rhyme, this line is pure poetry.

    “I honestly can neither confirm nor deny the existence of Ann Coulter’s vagina but I am quite certain Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s ate a rat on national tv.”

  15. daChipster says:

    These women are wise beyond their already-well-advanced years. It’s like reading $#!+ my Grandma says, only without the misanthropy.

  16. I think a million vagina march would be supremely wonderful. Can us non-vagina guys at least cheer from the sidelines?

  17. Elise Von Holten says:

    I have been following them for some time now–and they are great–my heart feels safe with them and JJ, I’m sorry that the comments are not moderated there, the trolls have found them
    sigh–but most of the people I know love them…MVM would be a grand thing!

  18. gabberflasted says:

    GOP (Republicans) should be changed to GGG!
    GOD, GUNS and GYNEPHOBIA. If that ain’t a word, it oughta be.

    As my long departed Mama used to say, ‘They give me a case of cramp colic.’

  19. You know, I too have wondered if Ann Coulter had a vagina, and I wouldn’t know if Elisabeth Hasselbeck ate a rat on national tv, or not, because when I watch The View, I spend half my time eye-rolling and screaming at the tv everytime Blondie opens her lame mouth. Barbara needs to replace Elisabeth with someone who doesn’t come across as a yappy Chihuahua when presenting the other side of an issue.

  20. Sue Drake says:

    Patti: Chihuahua’s may be yappy, but I am not sure they deserve this slander! Although Elisabeth does need to be replaced may be with a Yappy Yorkie!

  21. 1toughlady says:

    I nearly broke a rib laughing, these ladies are AWESOME! And I will gladly join a Million Vagina March! on Washington!

  22. BarbinDC says:

    I think all the non-vagina people should be allowed to march as long as they won’t be embarrassed. That lets out Ann Coulter.
