Yes, Because There Is A Limit To How Wide Crazy Can Be, But Not How Deep It Can Go
Holy pepper spray in a can.
Remember the cop who purposefully walked down the line of protesting kids and sprayed them all with pepper spray?
Well, come to find out, he was not crazy when he did it, but that all those hurt kids made him crazy afterwards.
The former police lieutenant who became the target of worldwide ire after dousing Occupy UC Davis protesters with pepper spray, John Pike, is appealing for worker’s compensation, claiming psychiatric injury caused by the Nov. 18, 2011, incident.
Dude. Really? Crazy didn’t make you do this? All those internet memes hurt you and made you crazy?
Pike, whose annual salary was $121,680, remained on paid leave for eight months while the pepper-spraying was investigated.
Eight months?
So you could practice this?
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.