Yes, Because Sending Three or Four Different Posses To The Valley Was Always a Great Idea.

August 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was just a matter of time or luck or unluck or hysteria or target practice or damn near anything.  It’s called “Which One Is The Good Guy With a Gun?”

us-border-patrolA Border Patrol agent pursuing a group of immigrants in a wooded area near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday fired several shots at an armed man who later identified himself as a militia member.

Border Patrol spokesman Omar Zamora said agents had been chasing a group of immigrants east of Brownsville Friday afternoon when an agent saw a man holding a gun near the Rio Grande.

The border patrol agent fired four times but missed all four times, which should put fear in the hearts of innocent bystanders and cattle.

Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio ain’t real thrilled with the whole situation, and he carefully outlined the whole problem. It can be explained with simple mathematics.

But Lucio said, “We really don’t need the militia here.” He recognized they have the right to carry weapons, but noted that with the Border Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety and local law enforcement, there are enough agencies working to secure the border. Gov. Rick Perry also called as many as 1,000 National Guard members to the border.

So, we have (1) local law enforcement, (2) Texas Department of Public Safety, (3) the Border Patrol, and (4) the National Guard.  And Sheriff Lucio forgot about armed United States Customs Service agents being there, too.  Ain’t that damn well enough well-organized militias?  However, if we need dudes running around with big ole honker military weapons to scare crap outta local law enforcement, DPS, Border Patrol, or the National Guard, we’ll let the state of Montana know.


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