Yes, Because Children Learning to Read and People Getting Places is the Whole Budget Problem
Quit, Mitt.
Seriously? You think that cutting Public Broadcasting and Amtrak is the answer?
Romney identified subsidies for Amtrak, PBS, the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities as things he would eliminate. The government spends $444 million a year on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (the parent organization of PBS); Amtrak received $1.56 billion in federal funding in 2010, with $1.3 billion in stimulus funds; while the National Endowment of the Arts lists the current level of federal funding at approximately $146 million.
Yeah, let’s cut things that have the word “public” in them. Public is a bad word. Arts – there’s another bad word. Amtrak? Let them eat cake in their Rolls Royce.