Yes, As A Matter of Fact, Blake Farenthold IS An Idiot

June 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Blake Farenthold, who we refer to as “Ducky Pajama Boy” around here, can add “whipped parent” to his list of qualities.

Blake Farenthold and a "Friend."

Farenthold contends that the Dream Act is an awful idea because 16 year olds have a say in whether or not a family crosses the border, and they chose to come across illegally.  And Farenthold swears he’s not smokin’ dope.

In an interview with Soledad O’Brien, Farenthold said took this position.

“You think a 16-year-old whose parents are coming across the border has a say in whether or not they’re just going to stay behind in their country?” Soledad asked.

“They’re certainly in a position to have a conversation with their parents about it,” Farenthold said.

“A 16-year-old is in a position to have a conversation with their parents about coming across the border, do you think?” said Soledad, skeptically.

“Believe me, my 16-year-old daughter has given me input on everything — pretty much everything the family wants to do,” said the Texas Republican.

What is wrong with this guy, you ask?  Everything, I answer.

I say we put Blake Farenthold’s daughter on the border and let her talk people out of coming across.  It would save us a whole lot of money.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Yes, As A Matter of Fact, Blake Farenthold IS An Idiot”

  1. So, if his 16 year old daughter didn’t want to go on a family vacation everyone stays home??? Somehow I doubt this. Call me crazy.

  2. Doofy. So what if a kid gives you input? I ASKED for my kids input and he gave it on a LOT of things. That doesn’t mean I did what he said. Just because you listen to your children, hell, just because your children speak their mind doesn’t mean they get their way.

  3. If a 16year old daughter is running his household….. no more need to ask what’s wrong with this idiot.

  4. His 16 year old daughte has probably seen that picture and has no respect for him. Gosh, I wonder why.

  5. That picture…

    I just ate.

  6. I can’t help but wondering if the 16 year old daughter ought to be the Member of Congress.

  7. mollusk says:

    My grandfather emigrated to the US all on his own when he was 13 or so. When I was 16 I was allowed to remain home by myself while the rest of the family went on vacation – something about being able to keep my job (as a grocery clerk, making about 2x what minimum wage was at the time if I recall – and this was the early 70s when minimum wage was an amount that resembled what someone might be able to live on…and which helped me get my later education with a minimum of student debt).

    However, had I suggested at that time to my parents that we all should/should not move to East Nevermore, I’m pretty sure the answer would have had equal components of “that’s nice, dear” and barely suppressed laughter.

  8. Bud Malone says:

    Blake has an untidy mind to go with a body that needs lots of help.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    How can one contribute to a billboard in Corpus Christi showing Blake and his friend?

  10. Are you sure that the word “idot” goes quite far enough. Those pajamas have ducks on them. They also have a bimbo on them.

  11. This man is in congress???????????

  12. I’m with Uncle Dave. I’d contribute to that.

  13. i’m from out of state and I’d contribute to that billboard!

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    His daughter is probably more mature & smarter than he is. It would be a surprise if she isn’t.

  15. Good Lord, this man has children?!

  16. TexasEllen says:

    I’ll chip in on that billboard. Ridicule is the one thing these twerps cannot handle.

  17. Elected by (R)obots

  18. Billboard funds on their way from Wisconsin – just say the word! If the Kochs can put up ads full of lies to steal the election in my state, can’t we put up an ad full of truth to tweak this twit?

    Yeah, I bet his 16 year old gets equal say in their household. With plenty of whining, learned at the knee of dad and his GOP pals.

  19. June Bug says:

    Is this creature related to Sissy Farenthold? If so, make him change his name!

  20. a 16 year old who came to the US wouldn’t be eligible for Obama’s ‘mini-Dream’

  21. MCPO RET says:

    Yes, he is related to Sissy.
    Billboards won’t help. Blake is controlled by Tea Party hacks and they vote in droves that our South Texas Democrats don’t.
    Blake tried to meet with his “Hispanic constituants” once, None showed. Wouldn’t have mattered, anyway because the T.P’ers filled the room first.
    He’s goofy and they love him.

  22. Pauline says:

    And all this time I thought Gov. Scott had the creepy award all to himself….
    Too much sun or the same sun shines on Texas and think?

  23. That is one scary looking zombie woman he’s got ahold of.

  24. Get Blake OUT! Vote for Rose Meza Harrison on July 31 (Democratic Primary Run-off). She is a good Democrat and is dedicated to protecting the American Dream. She will fight for better education, a cleaner environment, reliable jobs, and a sensible immigration policy.

    She is the only candidate who has a chance of beating Blake in the Fall. She can energize the base, bring in new voters, and persuade Independents. She is the only candidate who has been on the front line, fighting for Democratic values.

    Check out her ideas!-

  25. MCPO RET says:

    I’m with you, Nichole!
    We also MUST get rid of Lozano who won as a Democrat and switched to Repug. He never was a Democrat and needs his ass kicked.
